Tuesday, September 11, 2012
LOMBA FOTO AIR - deadline 10 october 2012
Himpunan Ahli Teknik Hirdaulik Indonesia (HATHI)
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
bekerjasama dengan
Perhimpunan Amatir Foto (PAF),
menyelenggarakan LOMBA FOTO AIR tingkat Nasional (Kategori Umum) dan Tingkat JABAR-BANTEN-DKI Jakarta (Kategori SLTA dan SLTP)
Hadiah dan penghargaan akan diberikan kepada karya-karya pemenang, sebagai berikut :
I. Kategori Umum ( Tingkat Nasional )
a. PEMENANG I : Rp 5.000.000,- + Trophy Menteri PU
b. PEMENANG II : Rp 3.000.000,- + Trophy Dirjen SDA Kementrian PU
c. PEMENANG III : Rp 2.000.000,- + Trophy Ketua Umum HATHI Pusat
d. Special Award Citarum : Rp 2.000.000,- + Trophy Kepala BBWS Citarum
II. Kategori SLTA ( Tingkat Jawa Barat – Banten – DKI Jakarta )
a. PEMENANG I : Rp 3.000.000,- + Trophy Gubernur Jawa Barat
b. PEMENANG II : Rp 2.000.000,- + Trophy DIRUT PJT II
c. PEMENANG III : Rp 1.500.000,- + Trophy Kepala Dinas SDA JABAR
d. Special Award Citarum : Rp 1.500.000,- + Trophy Kepala BBWS Citarum
II. Kategori SLTP (Tingkat Jawa Barat – Banten – DKI Jakarta )
a. PEMENANG I : Rp 2.500.000,- + Trophy Rektor ITB
b. PEMENANG II : Rp 1.500.000,- + Trophy Kepala PUSLITBANG AIR
c. PEMENANG III : Rp 1.000.000,- + Trophy Kepala BPLHD JABAR
d. Special Award Citarum : Rp 1.000.000,- + Trophy Kepala BBWS Citarum
100 (seratus) foto finalis (termasuk pemenang) akan dipamerkan di Trans Studio Mall selama acara Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan HATHI yang dihadiri 500 (lima ratus) peserta dan terbuka untuk umum
1. Penerimaan foto : 01 September 2012 – 10 Oktober 2012
2. Penjurian : 16 Oktober 2012
3. Klarifikasi Pemenang Lomba : 16 - 17 Oktober 2012
4. Persiapan Pameran : 17 - 19 Oktober2012
5. Pengumuman & Pembagian Hadiah : 19 Oktober 2012
6. Pameran Foto : 19 - 25 Oktober 2012
1. Lomba terbuka untuk umum, Warga Negara Indonesia (Kategori Umum – Tingkat Nasional), Siswa SLTA (Kategori SLTA - Tingkat Jawa Barat – Banten – DKI Jakarta) dan Siswa SLTP (Kategori SLTP - Tingkat Jawa Barat – Banten – DKI Jakarta) tanpa dipungut biaya pendaftaran
2. Tema lomba adalah : ”Sungai Sumber Kehidupanku” yang mencerminkan pemanfaatan, pengolahan, penyelamatan sumber daya air, kepedulian terhadap sumber daya air, atau pencemaran air.
3. Seluruh subyek/materi foto adalah sumber daya air diseluruh daerah di Indonesia (Kategori Umum / Tingkat Nasional) atau Jawa Barat (Kategori SLTA/SLTP Tingkat Jawa Barat – Banten – DKI Jakarta)
4. Karya foto yang diserahkan berupa file digital dalam format JPG dengan sisi terpanjang 1024 pixel yang masih menyimpan data exif.
5. Tidak diperkenankan mencantumkan identitas fotografer dan tulisan atau tanda tanda lainnya pada foto
6. Olah digital diperbolehkan, sebatas perbaikan kualitas foto (sharpening, cropping, color balance, dogde/burn dan saturasi warna) tanpa mengubah keaslian objek.
7. Tidak diperkenankan mengirimkan foto berupa kombinasi lebih dari satu foto atau menghilangkan/ mengubah elemen-elemen dalam satu foto.
8. Setiap peserta dapat mengirimkan maksimal 5 (lima) foto
9. Special Award diberikan kepada pemenang dengan subject foto sungai citarum terbaik pada setiap kategori
10. “Model & property release” sepenuhnya menjadi tanggungjawab peserta.
11. Pelaksana dan penyelenggara tidak bertanggung jawab atas tuntutan dari pihak foto model ataupun pihak lainnya sehubungan dengan materi lomba yang dikirimkan atau diikutsertakan dalam lomba.
12. Dari hasil penilaian dewan juri, akan dipilih 100 (seratus) foto finalis (termasuk foto-foto pemenang) yang akan dipamerkan dalam kaitan kegiatan lomba ini.
13. Hadiah sudah termasuk kompensasi atas penggunaan foto-foto pemenang apabila foto tersebut digunakan untuk kepentingan pameran dan dokumentasi penyelenggara.
14. Hak cipta atas foto pemenang dan terpilih tetap melekat pada fotografernya.
15. Dewan juri dan anggota keluarganya tidak diperkenankan mengikuti lomba.
16. Keputusan dewan juri adalah mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat
Karya foto yang diserahkan file digital dalam format JPG dengan sisi terpanjang 1024 pixel yang masih menyimpan data exif. Foto dikirimkan kepada Panita Lomba Foto Air paling lambat pada tanggal 10 Oktober 2012 jam 23:59 melalui email :
dengan Subject Email: LFA-2012
Cantumkan Identitas Fotografer ( Nama, Alamat, Tanggal Lahir,Pendidikan,Nomor HP) serta penjelasan singkat setiap foto (untuk kategori Umum dan SLTA) yang dikirimkan pada body email, serta melampirkan file scanning Identitas Peserta (KTP/Kartu Pelajar) dengan nama file ID-Kode Kategori-Nama Fotografer.jpg
Penamaan file foto harus menggunakan format sebagai berikut
KN-Judul Foto-Fotografer.JPG
K : Kode Katagori Lomba [U]mum atau SLT[A] atau SLT[P]
N: Nomor Urut Foto 1 sampai 5
Kategori SLTP, Foto ke 1, Judul Foto “Citarum”, Fotografer Ahmad Zaelani
Kategori SLTA, Foto ke 3, Judul Foto “Sungaiku Harapanku”, Fotografer Susanti Melani
P1-Citarum-Ahmad Zaelani.JPG
A3-Sungaiku Harapanku-Susanti Melani.JPG
DEWAN JURI (dalam konfirmasi):
1. Arbain Rambey (PAF Bandung & Wartawan Senior Kompas)
2. Dudi Sugandi (Wartawan Senior Pikiran Rakyat)
3. John Paulus Pantaouw (HATHI Pusat)
4. Soepardijono Sobirin (Pemerhati Lingkungan DPKLTS)
5. Iwan Setiawan Wangsaatmaja (BPLHD)
Monday, September 10, 2012
Posted on 09. Mar, 2012 by admin Tag: Event
Peraturan dan tata Tertib lomba
1. Jenis Kamera Digital Umum (Merk dan tipe Kamera Bebas)
2. Prosedur Pendaftaran
a. Pendaftaran GRATIS!
b. Pendaftaran ditutup di hari pertama event
c. Untuk mendaftar, kirim sms dengan format : Amadeus_Nama_Kota yg diikuti
d. Peserta yang sudah mengirimkan sms konfirmasi akan memperoleh nomer peserta
e. Peserta wajib daftar ulang di lokasi pameran 1 JAM SEBELUM JADWAL HUNTING
3. Kategori Lomba: Model dan Produk AMADEUS
a. Teknis yang harus diperhatikan
• Foto harus menunjukkan produk Amadeus secara utu (tidak terpotong) dan modelnya
• Adanya Interaksi model dan produk yang dibawa/disajikan.
4. Hadiah & jadwal hunting sesuai dengan jadwal event di hari Pertama, Pkl 19.00 wib – 20.30 wib
5. Hadiah Lomba
Juara 1 : Rp. 1.000.000,-
Juara 2 : Rp. 750.000,-
Juara 3 : Rp. 500.000,-
6. Peserta diwajibkan menyertakan JUDUL foto saat mengumpulkan.
7. Peserta diwajibkan mengisi data lengkap. Peserta yang tidak lengkap datanya tidak akan diproses.
8. Peserta boleh menggunakan Flash tapi tidak diperkenankan menggunakan mobile light/standing flash atau Reflektor karena dapat mengganggu peserta lainnya
9. Peserta diperbolehkan melakukan pengaturan brightness & contrast, tetapi tidak diperkenankan melakukan perubahan warna dan perubahan background
10. Peserta tidak diperkenankan mempergunakan foto yang dihasilkan selama acara ini untuk kepentingan komersil kecuali untuk porto folio si fotografer tersebut. Untuk keperluan komersial lainnya peserta diharapkan atas usahanya sendiri untuk mendapatkan property dan model release yang diperlukan.
11. Semua copyright foto yang dihasilkan selama lomba adalah milik fotografer.
12. Semua hasil foto yang masuk menjadi milik panitia / penyelenggara dan dapat dipergunakan untuk keperluan promosi baik dari penyelenggara ataupun sponsor pendukungnya.
13. Peserta dapat menyerahkan maksimal file 2 foto untuk kategori umum file asli di lokasi event paling lambat di lokasi event pada hari pertama pk 21.00 WIB
14. Pengumuman dilaksanakan hari terakhir dlm pameran
15. Foto Pemenang akan dipublikasikan/dimuat di Codymaxx, di Facebook Codymaxx, Facebook dan Twitter Wellcommshop, dan akan / dapat digunakan untuk keperluan publikasi media atau event sejenis lainnya.
16. Team Juri: Team AMADEUS
Informasi : Max 085731060069
: admin@codyenterprises.com | max.utoyo@yahoo.com
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Sarasvati - Job Vacancy
Founded by Lin Che Wei, a prominent financial market analyst, Sarasvati performs mission to improve the Indonesian art market by developing its infrastructure through research, literature, forums and mark
Due to the expansion of Sarasvati, we are looking for highly qualified personnel for the position of
Art Research & Writer
1. Produces art & research writing regularly
2. Conducts research to obtain factual information and authentic detail for their writing by utilizing sources such as reference books, interviews and other writing methods
3. Develops factors such as theme, plot, characterization, psychological analysis, historical environment, action and dialogue to create written material
4. Involves in publicity, promotion and reviewing proposals, and attending events in Arts
5. Updates Sarasvati’s website including its content & design proposal
1. Passionate about Art
2. Experience in research & writing activities for minimum of 4 years
3. Excellent command of written & spoken in English and Indonesian, and literary skills
4. Have good writing skills as a writer of art both in English and Indonesian
5. Have extensive knowledge and relationships of Fine Arts in Indonesia (especially knowing Artists,
Gallery, Writer, Curator, Auction hall), and the human arts in Indonesia (especially Yogyakarta and Bali)
6. Have an ability to work to tight deadlines and in dynamic environment, and to accept criticism and use it in a constructive way
7. Good analytical thinking, creative, accurate in detail, always eager to learn new things, self-discipline to work with minimum supervision and willing to work long hours to complete the tasks
8. Diligent, self starter, self motivated, determination and perseverance
9. Bachelor graduates with Art background
10. Maximum age 30 years
11. Proficient in MS Office and Illustrator InDesign is a plus
12. Willing to travel.
All applications will be treated in the strictest of confidence. If you are a suitable match for this position
please send your recent photograph, application, CV and salary expectation to:
Bali Publika - Job Vacancy
Kami mencari :
• 5 reporter
• 1 fotografer
• 1 web programmer
Dengan kualifikasi utama :
• Peduli terhadap isu – isu mendasar di Bali
• Independen. Tidak memiliki kepentingam politik dan komersial di luar media
• Berpikir kritis, logis, dan sistematis. Bisa menuangkan pikiran ke dalam tulisan dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar.
• Punya pengalaman atau prestasi menonjol dalam bidang jurnalisme/fotografi/desain/
Manfaat bergabung dengan kami :
• Mendapatkan berbagai pelatihan :
o Manajemen reportase media
o Teknik riset lapangan
o Anatomi isu – isu mendasar Bali
o Analisis masalah
o Menulis laporan
o Dasar – dasar fotografi & intografi
o Pengelolaan media online
• Belajar terus – menerus di lapangan dengan mentor wartawan dan analis berpengalaman
• Membentuk jaringan dengan narasumber dari berbagai bidang
• Kepuasan dalam memberikan kontribusi mengupas isu – isu menarik Bali, sambil tetap mendapat penghasilan layak
Kirim surat lamaran, CV, dan contoh tulisan/foto/desain/program ke admin@balipublika.org sebelum 15 September 2012
We are looking for: • 5 reporter • 1 • photographers • graphic designers 1 1 web programmer With primary qualifications: • care about the fundamental issues in the issues – Bali • Independent. Kepentingam does not have any outside political and commercial media • critical thinking, logical, and systematic. Can pour into your thoughts in writing a good and correct Indonesian Language.
• Have experience or achievements stand out in the field of journalism/photography/design/
Benefits of joining us: • Get various Management training: o o media reportage of research Engineering field o Anatomy – fundamental issues issue problem Analysis o Bali o Write Basic – basic report o photography & intografi o online media Management • Learn continued – on the field with a mentor to journalists and analysts experienced • form a network with a tutor from different fields • satisfaction in contributing to peel back issues – the interesting issue of Bali, while still getting decent earnings Send cover letter, RESUME, and writing sample/photo/design/program to admin@balipublika.org before 15 September 2012
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Map of Karangasem

Capital - Amlapura
Highest Peak - Mt. Agung - 3'142 m.
Location: Eastern Bali
Land Area: 839'54 sq. km.
No. Of Districts - 8 (Abang, Babandem, Karangasem, Kubu, Manggis, Rendang, Selat & Sidemen)
Important Phone numbers:
Direct Enquiries - 0363 21108
Karangasem Tourist Office - Tlp: 0363 - 21196
(Address - Jl. Diponegoro, Amlapura.)
Amlapura - Town of Karangasem - Located on the southeastern part of the Regency.
History :
This regency founded in the early 1700's, was still recognized as a kingdom even after Dutch conquest of Bali in the 1900's. This regency still supports many traditions that have been in existence since the 14th century, having resisted the Javanese influence that invaded other regencies of Bali.
Amlapura Town : This regency capital changed its name from Karagasem to Amplapura 1963 after Mt. Agung erupted in the hope that a similar eruption would never again take place.
Agung Kanginan Palace - Reflecting a number of foreign architectural influences in the late 19th century by the king Anak Agung Gede Jelantik. This palace still maintains the royal bedroom with Dutch furnishings, as well as various meeting and ceremonial halls. Royal photographs of the late King and family and various clothes are also on display.
Taman Ujung Pleasure Palace - With an outstanding view to the Lombok Strait over rice paddy fields, this water palace, although barely more than ruins depicts a time of glory and glamour. Moats, pools and water gardens were the passion of the late King of Karangasem. Sadly the palace was badly damaged in both the Mt. Agung eruption of 1963 and a subsequent earthquake in 1979.
Tirtagganga Water Gardens - Built a few years later by the late King of Karangasem this water-garden plays host to bathing pools fed by cool springs, ornamental water features and a swimming pool.
Candi Dasa - Tourist Resort named after old temple on the nearby hillside. Beautiful beaches, good accommodation make Candi Dasa a good place from which to discover the eastern part of Bali. In the village you will find a Gandhi meditation centre on the edge of lotus pond just beside the beach. Offshore islets and coral reefs make it an ideal diving and snorkeling spot.
Tulamben shipwreck - a cargo ship torpedoed in 1942 consequently sunk near the coast of Tulamben and now offers divers an incredible array of marine life, still within shallow waters (between 2-10 m) and in close proximity to the coastline.
Padang Bai - The largest eastern port of Bali, where ferries & ships travel on to Lombok and beyond. Large luxury cruise liners anchor here close to the Silayukti sea temple.
Tenganan - A Bali Aga village - (Bali Aga - descendants of the Original Balinese who lived on this island before the influx of Javanese courtiers & artists of the Majapahit exodus from Java, between the 12 & 14th centuries). This immaculately kept village is 5 kms north of Candi Dasa. They are famous for weaving the geringsing a cloth that may take years to weave as the patterns of the textile are dyed to their final design whilst still in the thread stage. The conservative Bali Aga does not allow members of the village to marry outside of their community. Youngsters wishing to do so are banned from taking part in the intrinsic ceremonies. Their religious calendar is quite different to that of the rest of Bali. The villages of Tenganan & Dauh Tukad have many incredible ceremonies between June and July. See Calender of Events- Mekare, Malingan etc.
Asak & Bungaya - Two villages that are renowned for village handicrafts such as stone carving, woven crafts and traditional costumes
Manggis - A pretty village in the foothills of Mt. Agung with cooler more agreeable temperatures than the coast. A number of small hotels and villas cater to those looking for a more secluded place to stay than Candi Dasa.
Balina Beach & Yeh Malina - Balina Beach are beaches near to Manggis with white sand and clear water, good for swimming and fishing. Sunsets from this vantage point are very romantic.
Sibetan & Putung - This area is famous for the Salak or snake fruit plantations. Panoramic views of terraced rice paddy fields and the blue sea beyond afford good opportunities for avid photographers.
Bebandem & Putung - Bebandem is a pretty market town with nearby Putung offering spectacular views on a clear day.
Padangkerta - Ceremonies and rituals held at this village encompass trance dances, battles using thorny pandan leaves and all decorated with spectacular offerings.
Sideman - This village is famous for weaving brocades and the traditional Endek & Songket fabric.
Besakih Temple - Bali's largest and most revered temple since the fifteenth century is built 1'000 meters (3333feet) above sea level on the slopes of sacred Mt Agung. This temple complex is entered by climbing up one of two staircases past several terraces. Each terrace contains about 30 different shrines or pagodas. Visitors are not allowed to enter the inner temple courtyards. Three main temples, Penataran Agung, Kiduling Kreteg and Batu Madeg were built to honor Siwa, Brahma and Wisnu respectively. Near the main gate is a pavilion called Pawedaan that is used by both Buddhist & Shiva priests when holding Weda recitations. Besakih enjoys many celebrations and Hindu ceremonies throughout the year and is visited by pilgrims from all over Bali.
Mount Agung - Climbing this mountain may take between 8 - 10 hours and is only recommended for the fit! Cloud cover may obscure the view from the summit. Trekkers should start at fist light and will probably make it back by dusk. A large amount of bottled water, dried fruits and sweets are very necessary is as the descent is tiring due to partial exhaustion!
Map of Klungkung City

Capital - Klungkung
Location: Southeastern Bali
Important phone numbers:
Direct Enquiries - 0366 - 21108
Klungkung Tourist Office Tlp: 0365 - 21448
(Address - Jl.Surapati 3, Semarapura.)
History :
It was in this part of Bali that the fleeing royalty of the Majapahit dynasty set up their kingdom. Between the 14th and 19th centuries Samprangan, Gelgel & Klungkung were all capitals of the Klungkung Regency. Recognized by other Balinese kingdoms as the most powerful, this regency was one of the last strongholds of the Balinese during the Dutch invasion of 1900's. The Gelgel dynasty ruled in Bali for over 600 years and throughout their reign the arts flourished
Klungkung Regency Capital - This busy market town on the main route to Besakih and Amlapura is steeped in history and has some noteworthy sites, the Semara Pura Palace complex which houses the Hall of Justice and Kambang Pavilion. The market here sells interesting textiles woven in the eastern part of Bali, one thing to buy is sea salt panned from the nearby beaches.
Taman Gili Palace - Built in the Dewa Agung dynasty, by artisans of the royal court. Not much remains of this palace, destroyed during the Dutch invasion of Bali, except for the main gate and two buildings that were rebuilt and restored in the 1940's.
Kertha Gosa - Judgment Hall - A Hall of Justice which functioned as the highest seat arbitration in the kingdom. The ceiling friezes depict scenes of horror and punishment. Villains judged here were imprisoned on Nusa Penida Island.
Bale Kambang - This floating pavilion is adjoined to the Judgment Hall, the ceiling friezes here depict scenes of Buddhist folklore and astrology
Bat Cave - Goa Lawah - A cave said to house the scared serpent that guards holy Mount Agung and the cosmos. Teeming with bats, this cave has various passageways, some up to 30kms long, in fact it is said that one leads all the way to the Temple of Besakih.
Gelgel - The royal household was based in the village Gelgel in the fifteenth century. Both the Jero Agung and Dasar temples are worth visiting, the latter being reserved for ceremonies of higher caste or aristocracy of Bali.
Kamasan - A small village near Klungkung from which a style of Balinese painting originated, the Kamasan style, based on east Javanese shadow puppets or wayang.
Kusamba - A salt panning village with a black sand beach.
Paksa - A village famous for re-enactments of ancestral battles. The participants re-enact these battles whilst in a trance.
Penida Island - Originally the penitentiary island for the Klungkung kingdom. The Dalem Peed Temple is associated with myth and black magic.
Nusa Penida - the largest of the three outlying islands measuring approximately 200 sq kilometers. White sand beaches, white cliffs prove that this island is not volcanic but made mainly from limestone. Historically Nusa Penida was a penal colony for the Klungkung Regency, undesirables were sent here after having been judged in the Kerta Gosa. A very dry climate and a local myth of a ferocious giant, giving Penida a reputation as an evil place, maintains the population at about 45'000. For the most part Penidan families fish and farm for a living, with seaweed being probably the largest export of this island. The main town is Samplan, on the north east coast of the island, this and another 18 hamlets make up the extent of the residential part of Penida. Two temples, Peed & Batukuning are interesting to visit. The dive spots on Penida are very challenging as currents are strong.
Nusa Ceningan - the smallest of the three islands, made up mainly from a sand flat. The name comes from cenik - the Balinese word for small. Seldom visited the small islet is home to a bat cave, incredible coral and marine life.
Map of Buleleng City

Capital - Singaraja
Location: North & North Western Bali
Important Phone numbers:
Direct Enquiries - 0363 22108
Buleleng Tourist Office - Jl. Vetran 23 Tlp: 0363 61141
Villages, sites & temples of Buleleng Regency are: Singaraja - capital of regency; (sites are listed from west to east). Deer Island (Menjangen Island), Teluk Terima, Pulaki Temple, Gondol, Banjar Hotsprings, Banjar Tega's Buddhist Monastery, Temukus War Monument, Sing Sing Waterfalls, Lovina, Banyuning, Beratan, Sangsit, Jagaraja, Sawan, Kubutambahan, Air Sanih, Ponjok Batu, Julah, Sembiran, Gitgit Waterfall, Pancasari, Munduk.
Singaraja - Bali's chief port in Dutch colonial times, this town received many influences from the foreign traders. Singaraja has a number of Chinese Temples and colonial buildings. The Gedong Kertya Library houses a unique collection of Lontar (palm leaf) scriptures written in Balinese covering many issues including traditional literature, medicinal formulas, black magic and many more. There are a number of old books in English, Dutch and Ancient Javanese (Kawi).
Buleleng Harbor - this historical but unused harbor is located along the north coast. Old warehouses, an ancient jetty and an arched bridge are all that is left of this one time major seaport. Here a monument has been built in commemoration of Bali's struggle to defeat the Dutch.
Singa Ambara Raja - A famous town landmark is the winged-lion statue located on Jl. Veteran, near the Tourist Office and opposite the office of the Governor of Buleleng, which symbolizes the heroic spirit of the people of Buleleng.
Pura Agung Jagatnatha - One of Bali's biggest & newest temples; an outstanding feature is the Padmasana, a shrine that symbolically represents the three parts of the Balinese Universe.
Deer Island (Pulau Menjangan) - 79 km west of Sinagraja. One of the most famous marine parks in the world, and part of the West Bali National Park. Rare and protected Java Deer inhabit this small island, however visitors usually come for the diving and snorkeling.
Labuhan Lalang - a small port where divers and visitors may catch a boat to Deer Island (Menjangan Island), a small island with peaceful and tranquil atmosphere as no population yet.
Teluk Terima - 76 kms west of Singaraja. Also known as Jayaprana's grave; this site remembers the sad love story between a prince wishing to marry a country girl, however the king also wished to marry the girl and so had the prince killed. On dreaming of the happenings the girl killed herself rather than marry the wicked king. A panoramic view to the north makes this a site well worth visiting.
Banyuwedang - 60 km west of Singaraja. Natural Hot Springs with supposed curative powers near a temple. In need of upkeep.
Pulaki Temple - 53 km west of Singaraja. A large temple on both sides of the road part is perched on craggy rock looking out to sea, the other part climbs into the hills, both parts house monkeys that are keen on eating almost anything in sight! Balinese women sell fruit to tourists and it seems that grapes are their favorite.
Gondol - 50 km west of Singaraja. A Government-run fish breeding project. Turtles, shrimp & prawns are included in the program.
Banjar Tegah Hot springs - 18km west of Singaraja. These slightly sulphuric hot springs are well worth visiting. Set slightly back in the hills, dragon fountains fume hot water into the tiered bathing pools. A number of souvenir shops and a restaurant cater to tourists. A number of local visitors and schools visit at weekends and holidays.Banjar Tegah Buddhist Monastery - Bali's largest Buddhist monastery set in beautiful valley scenery.
Temukus War Monument - 15 km from Singaraja. Built by the Dutch and destroyed by the Balinese during the Independence struggle. It was rebuilt by the local Government in 1992. The monument affords an extraordinary view of Lovina and the coastline.
Sing Sing Waterfall - 13 km west of Singaraja. Gushing falls in the wet season the water may no run as swiftly in the dry season. The falls are well signposted.
Lovina - 10 km west of Singaraja. Buleleng's main tourist area. Black sand beaches fringed with palm trees open onto a calm sea where travelers can view dolphins, snorkel, dive, sail, fish and swim. A resort area with a full range of accommodation.
Singaraja - Buleleng's capital, see start of Buleleng Province for more info.
Banyuning - 1 km east of Singaraja. A village known for pottery and ceramics.
Beratan - 1 km south of Singaraja. Famous for gold and silver works of a unique style.
Sangsit - 8 km east of Singaraja. Pura Dalem (the temple of the ancestors) is famous for its unique and amusing stone carvings and Pura Beji, a temple dedicated to the Goddess of Rice, is also a recipient for these extraordinary carvings.
Gitgit Waterfall - 11 km south of Singaraja. An impressive waterfall cascades into a small lagoon in a plantation of coffee and clove trees.
Kubutambahan - 12 km east of Singaraja. The Maduwe Karang Temple is renowned for carvings of a very imaginative nature. One such carving is that of a Dutch colonialist riding around on a bicycle whose tires are made entirely of petals!
Jagaraga - 13 km south east of Singaraja. Another northern temple that has amusing carvings, some of the carvings depict the Dutch colonialists getting drunk, an armed robbery and a wartime dogfight between aero planes.
Sawan - 16 km south east of Singaraja - The villagers are traditional makers of gamelan gongs and other gamelan instruments. The Batu Bolong temple is quite distinct looking.
Air Sanih - 18 km east of Singaraja. A cool natural spring-fed pool borders the beach.
Pancasari - 24 km south of Singaraja. A mountain village known for the golf course, Bali Handara Kosaido Country Club and two of Bali's lakes, Buyan and Tamblingan.
Ponjok Batu - 25 km east of Singaraja. The Ponjok Batu Temple (ponjok batu meaning pile of stones) perches on a rocky cliff next to a beach. A fresh water spring bubbles forth right on the beach.
Julah - 29 km east of Singaraja. It is said that this is the oldest village in North Bali.
Sembiran - 30 km south east of Singaraja. Probably a megalithic village, the culture, dialect and rituals are quite different from the rest of Bali.
Munduk - South west of Singaraja - Bali's ecological village. This scenic village, located in the mountains, is an ideal place to stay and escape from the heat. Foggy afternoons, fields of blue hydrangeas and numerous waterfalls make it an ideal place to go hiking.Dolphin Tour - Leave at about 06.00 am by a traditional boat (at a small charge) from Lovina Beach area, arranged by the local firshermen community. It takes about two and half hours to return.
Those who stay in Kuta area have to leave about 3.00 am early morning from Kuta to get Lovina Beach or 04.00 am from Ubud area. Alternatively, stay one night or more at Lovina Beach before taking a dolphin tour may be preferrable, contact us for further information.
Map of Jembrana City

Capital - Negara
Highest Peak - Mt. Patas - 1'500 m.
Location: Western Bali
Land Area: 841'80 sq. km.
No. Of Districts - 4 (Melaya, Negara, Mendoyo, Pekutatan)
Important Phone numbers:
Direct Enquiries - 0365 41108
Jembrana Tourist Office - Tlp: 0365 - 41210
Address - Jl. Setia Budi, Negara.
Museum Gilimanuk - 0365 61328
BUPATI - 0365 41210 N.B. Negara's famous Bull Races are in August
Negara - District Capital of Jembrana - Located on the south-western part of the Regency.
History :
This regency is thought to have been established in the early 1400's, although civil war broke out and the regency became part of the Badung regency. In the 17th century, sparsely populated Jembrana was not of much interest to the other royal Balinese kingdoms and for a time it was ruled over by a prince from Sulawesi. Jembrana was one of the first kingdoms to surrender to the invading Dutch in the 1800's.
Negara Town - A small town on set along the main road between Denpasar & Gilimanuk. Negara itself does not have many tourist sites although it is famous for the bull races, held every year in October. Domesticated water buffalo races and horse races attract a number of tourist as well as many Balinese. Jegog - the giant bamboo gamelan (orchestra) - is typical of Jembrana and is seldom heard outside the regency.
West Bali National Park - This Park is home to the rare Java Deer, the rarer Bali Starling and many other animals such as the Boss Javanicus, or wild bull.
Medewi Beach - Famous for surfing, the long left handers are best in the morning before the wind gets up. The beach itself is not fantastic. Tourist accommodation ranges from guesthouses to smarter hotels with pools.
Gilimanuk - Bali's most western town, this is the ferrying point for people wishing to cross to Java. The tranquil bay is good for water sports and it is the closest place to stay if you wish to visit West Bali National Park.
Cekik - A village just south of Gilimanuk, with prehistoric remains (Circa 1000BC) The headquarters of the National Park and visitors centre are located here.
Candikusuma Beach - Large wide beach with views to Java. Very popular at weekends and holidays with the local community.
Baluk Rening Beach - This beach comes alive in August when the annual Jukung races take place. A western facing beach with good sunset views.
Perancak - A small village in which Bali's renowned Buffalo racing is performed for tourists. A reptile park and a riverside temple are other Perancak sites.
Delod Berawah Beach - A popular beach with the occasional bull and horse race.
Rambut Siwi - One of Bali's major cliff-top temples and the largest in west Bali. It was built in the 1500's by the same priest that built both the Uluwatu and Tanah Lot temples. The sunset from this vantage point is outstanding.
Bunut Bolong - A sacred banyan grows over the road, or rather the road goes through this very large tree, up into the foothills of west Bali and towards Pupuan. The surrounding area is tropical forest and has many impressive trees
Pengambengan - The biggest fishing port on Bali, not an actual port but the here seas are at their calmest and there are no dangerous reefs.
Mekepung or Makepung
Attractions Mekepung in this field developed around the year 1930 and Sais / Jokinya soldiers dress in the style of the ancient kingdom in Bali is wearing headband, scarf, selempod, trousers dipinggang barefoot and wearing a sword tucked poleng gloves (black and white).
Map of Tabanan City

Capital - Tabanan
Highest Peak - Mt. Batukau - 2'276 metres above sea level
Location: South-western Bali
Important phone numbers:
Direct Enquiries - 108
Tabanan Tourist Office Tlp: 811602
(Address - Jl. Gunung Agung, Tabanan.)
History :
Founded in the 14th century Tabanan had a mixed history with numerous conflicts, mainly with the neighboring kingdom of Mengwi. By the end of the 1700's Tabanan had managed to claim part of the Mengwi kingdom however lost it back to the Mengwi Royal household by the mid 1800's. By 1906 the Dutch having conquered Tabanan, imprisoned the king and his son.
Tabanan - District Capital of Tabanan - Located on the south eastern part of the Regency. A very large, clean town with wide-open streets. The Subak Museum dedicated to rice cultivation, and the Gedong Marya theatre, dedicated to the famous dancer Mario, are the only real tourist sites in Tabanan, however the rest of this fertile region has many diverse attractions.
Alas Kedaton Temple - Near the village of Kukuh, an ancient temple is located in this12 hectare forest that houses both monkeys and large bats.
Abiantuwung - This village stages many dance performances, both old and new. It is also boasted the Whrahatnala School of Dance, which has now sadly shut down.
Batukaru - With the highest peak at 2'276 metres above sea level, this volcanic massif has three small nature reserves on and around the three smallest peaks, Lesung, Tapak and Pohen.
Bratan Lake - Japanese caves on the west shore and a pleasure park on the southern shore of the lake and the cool mountain air make this a pleasant place to spend a day. Various water sports are available at the pleasure-park.
Botanical Gardens - Raya Eka Karya Gardens - With a land area of 129.2 hectares the Botanical Gardens maintains up to 650 species of tree and approximately 450 species of orchid.
Bedugul - A cool, mountain, market town that supplies much of the fruit, vegetables and flowers that Bali consumes. One thousand five hundred metres above sea level, Bedugul is on the shores of Lake Bratan, the crater-lake of Mt. Bratan
Jatiluwih - Famous for the view over endless rice terraces stretching as far as the eye can see. Here, at 850 metres above sea level, temperatures are cooler.
Kediri - A small village near Tabanan that stages an interesting cattle market every three days.
Kerambitan - Puri Gede, Puri Anyar Baturiti, are two 17th century palaces of the former Tabanan royal family. Interesting stone carvings and antique Chinese porcelain plates embedded in the walls of the gong pavilions are amongst the various items of interest.
Marga - National Monument of Margarana, built to commemorate the bravery of I Gusti Ngurah Rai and his followers in Indonesia's struggle for independence against the Dutch.
Pura Luhur Batukau - A royal ancestral temple, with a seven-tiered pagoda, built on the foothills of Mt. Batukau. Not as easily accessible as others, this temple remains off the beaten track its forest surroundings have an abundance of flora and fauna.
Pujungan Waterfall - Near the village of Pujungan. Coffee plantations can be seen en route to this waterfall, which plunges down between narrow white cliffs.
Soka Beach - A wide, quiet, white sand beach with a few kiosks and colorful fishing boats.
Tanah Lot -This famous temple sits on top of an eroding sentinel rock and high tides cut it off from the mainland. Underground caves are said to house sea serpents that guard this temple. This is probably Bali's most photographed temple, and is renowned for stunning sunsets.
Ulun Danu Bratan Temple - A 17th century temple, dedicated to Sang Dewi Danau, goddess of the lake. Part of the temple juts out into the lake and a Buddhist stupa near the outer courtyard bears witness to this temple's Hindu- Buddhist roots. Early mornings are the best time to visit, as clouds or mist soon roll in.Yeh Panas & Penatahan Hotsprings - These hot springs are located on the banks of the River Ho. The bubbling water contains sulphur and sodium and is said to cure skin problems. Tourist accommodation is available.
Consulates Offices in Bali
Mr Bruce Cowled - Consul General
Mr Brian Diamond - Consul
Ms Adelaide Worcester . Vice Consul (Mixed Duties)
Mr Paul(Reg) Hunniford . AFP Liaison
Address: Jl. Hayam Wuruk 88 B, Tanjung Bungkak, Denpasar - Bali .
E-mail: bali.congen@dfat.gov.au
Website: http://www.dfat.gov.au/bali
Phone : 241118, Fax: 221195
Consular hours: Monday to Friday 0800 . 1200 & 1230 - 1600
Visa hours: Monday to Friday 0830 . 1200
Emergency: Call to Consulate Number (361) 241118 and follow the menu
to connect direct to the 24 hr Consular Operations Centre in Canberra .
Or make a call to Canberra number 02-6261 33
Mr. Aureo Renato Vianna Filho . Honorary Consul
Address: C/- By The Sea Store Jl. Raya Legian No. 186, Kuta 80361
Phone: 757 775 , Fax: 751 005
E-mail: brazilconsul@bali.net
Office hours: Monday to Friday 1000 . 1800
Emergency: 0818 344 928 .
Mr Mark Wilson - Honorary Consul
Address: Jl. Tirta Nadi 20, Sanur, Denpasar 80238
E-mail: bcbali@dps.centrin.net.id
Phone: 270 601 , Fax: 287 804
Office hours: Monday to Friday 0830 . 1230
Emergency: 0811 802 435 . Jakarta Duty Officer or 08123 838 844
Bali Honorary Consul , 08123838844.
Mr Bernard Haymoz . Honorary Consul
Address: Jl. Pengembak Gg 1 No. 3, Sanur, Denpasar 80827
E-mail: chilehonconsulate@bali-villa.com
Phone: 281503 / 756781 , Fax: 285216 / 756783
Office hours: Monday to Friday 0900 . 1700
Emergency: 0811394045.
Mr Graham James . Honorary Consul
Address: Jl. Pengembak 17, Sanur
E-mail: bali@honorary.mzv.cz
Phone: 286 465, Fax: 286 408
Office hours: Monday to Friday 0830 - 1630
Emergency: 08123 970 129 .
Mr Raphael Devianne . Honorary Consul
Address: Jl. Mertasari Gg. II No. 08, Sanur
E-mail: consul@dps.centrin.net.id
Phone: 285 485, Fax: 286 406
Office hours: Monday to Friday 0900 . 1200
Emergency: 08123 800 124 .
Mr Reinhold Jantzen . Honorary Consul
Address: Jl. Pantai Karang No. 17, Sanur
E-mail: germanconsul@bali-ntb.com
Phone: 288 535, Fax: 288 826
Public Hours: Monday to Friday 0800 . 1200
Office hours: Monday to Friday 0800 . 1200 & 1300 . 1600
Emergency: 08123 913 938 .
Ms Gabriella Cristofoli - Honorary Consul
Address: C/- Marintur Jl. Bypass Ngurah Rai No. 219, Sanur
E-mail: huconbali@telkom.net
Phone: 287701, Fax: 735232
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 1000 . 1200
Emergency: 0811 389 680 or 0816 790 046 .
Mr Giuseppe Confessa (Pino) - Honorary Consul
Address: C/- Lotus Enterprise Building
Jl. Bypass Ngurah Rai, Jimbaran
E-mail: italconsbali@italconsbali.org
Website: http://www.italconsbali.org
Phone: 701 005, Fax: 701 005
Public Hours: Monday to Friday 1000 . 1300
Office hours: Monday to Friday 1000 . 1600
Emergency: 08123 904 471 .
Mr Noboru Nomura . Consul ( 0811 398 225 )
Mr Masahiro Sato . Consul ( 08123 801 941 )
Mr Yoshihiko Endo . Vice Consul ( 08123 801 923 )
Ms Akiko Ito . Admin ( 08123 801 942 )
Address: Jl. Raya Puputan 170, Renon, Denpasar 80235 PO. BOX. 3432 Denpasar Bali
Phone: 227 628, Fax: 265 066
E-mail: konjpdps@indo.net.id
Office hours: Monday to Friday 0830 . 1230 & 1330 - 1600
Emergency: 08123 801 941 .
Mr Feisol Hasyim . Honorary Consul
Address: Alam Kulkul Boutique Resort
Jl Pantai Kuta, Legian Bali 80030
Fax: 752 519, Phone: 752 520
Email: feisol@attglobal.net.
Mr I Gusti Bagus Yudhara, MBA - Honorary Consul
Address: Astina Tours & Travel Building
Jl. Prof. Moh. Yamin No. 1A, Renon, Denpasar
E-mail: yudhara@astinatravel.com
Phone: 223 266, Fax: 244 568
Office hours: Monday to Friday 0900. 1500
Emergency: 288 218 or 0811 399 929 .
Mr Al Purwa, MBA - Honorary Consul
Address: Jl. Raya Kuta 127, Kuta 80361
P O Box 3337 Denpasar 80001
E-mail: dutchconsulate@kcb-tours.com
Phone: 761502 / 751517, Fax: 761502 / 752777
Website: www.netherlandsembassy.or.id
Office hours: Monday to Friday 0830 . 1230 & 1330 . 1600
Visa Hours: 0830 . 1230 only
Emergency: +62 818 789 444 .
Mrs Loeana Kanginnadhi - Honorary Consul of Denmark (Royal Danish)
Address: Mimpi Resort, Kawasan Bukit Permai, Jimbaran
E-mail: mimpi@mimpi.com
Website: http://www.mimpi.com
Phone: 701 070 Ext. 32, Fax: 701 073/4
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 0900 . 1400
Emergency: 08123 802 104 or 08123 930 809
Ms Mira Chandra . Honorary Consul of Norway
Address: Mimpi Resort, Kawasan Bukit Permai, Jimbaran
E-mail: mimpi@mimpi.com
Website: http://www.mimpi.com
Phone: 701070 Ext. 32 , Fax: 701073/4
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 0900 . 1400
Emergency: 08123 802 104 or 08123 930 809
Mr Amir Rabik - Honorary Consul
Address: Kompleks Istana Kuta Galeria, Blok Vallet 2, No. 11 Jl. Patih Jelantik, Kuta
E-mail: rabik@indo.net.id
Phone: 769 286/7 , Fax: 769186
Office hours: Monday to Friday 0900 . 1200 & 1300 . 1600
Emergency: 975 736 or 08123 840 801
Mr Ida Bagus Ngurah Wijaya - Honorary Consul
Address: Jl. Segara Ayu, Sanur
PO Box 3091 Denpasar 80030 Bali
Phone: 282 223, Fax: 282 211
E-mail: sweconsul@yahoo.com
Office hours: Tuesday & Thursday 0900 - 1200
Emergency: 08179 723 658
Mr Jon Zürcher . Consul
Address: Kompleks Istana Kuta Galeria (former Central Parking)
Blok Valet 2 No. 12, Jl. Patih Jelantik, Kuta 761 511
E-mail: jonswiss@telkom.net / swisscon@telkom.net
Phone: 751 735, Fax: 754 457
Office hours: Monday to Friday 0900 . 1300
Emergency: 754 719 or 730 149 or 08123 948 861 or 0818 566 392
Mr. Peraphon Prayooravong . Honorary Consul
Mr. Poramate Khemwongthong . Consular Officer
Address: Jl. Puputan Raya No. 81, Renon Denpasar 80235
Email: RTC_bali@thaimail.com
Phone: 263 310, Fax: 238 044
Office hours: Monday to Friday 0900 . 1200 & 1300 . 1600
Visa hours: Monday to Friday 0900 . 1200 & 1330 . 1600
Emergency: 081 6472 4466
Mr. Joshua N. Finch . Consular Agent
Address: Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 188, Denpasar 80235
E-mail: amcobali@indosat.net.id
Phone: 233 605
Office hours: Monday to Friday 0800 . 1200 & 1300 . 1630 Fax: 222 426
Emergency: 08123 802 540 .
Friday, September 7, 2012
Map of Gianyar City

Capital - Gianyar
Important phone numbers:
Direct Enquiries -108
Gianyar Tourist Office Tlp: 93401
(Address - Jl. Ngurah Rai 21, Gianyar.)
History :
Gianyar Town - District capital of Gianyar Regency - Located in the south eastern part of the regency, Gianyar is well known for it's roasted babi guling (suckling pig). It is a large town that holds little of interest for the tourist. The temple of Pura Dalem just north of the town has fine examples of stone carvings and you may wish to visit some of the small weaving industries.
Batubulan Village - Stone carvings line the road, many are made on the premises however a few are also carved elsewhere. Many types of Balinese dances including trance dances are performed here for tourists.
Blahbatuh Village - Gaduh Temple houses the ancient, folkloric, stone head of Kebo Iwa, a Balinese hero of the Majapahit era.
Bedulu - This village houses the Museum of Archaeology, which exhibits pre-Hindu artifacts, stone carvings and old Chinese porcelain and the Samuan Tiga Temple, which stages an eleven day ceremony during the 10th full moon according to the Balinese Calendar.
Bona - a village dedicated to producing bamboo products. Said to be where the Kecak dance originated.
Celuk - This village specializes in gold and silver works, producing all kinds of jewellery and ornaments.
Elephant Cave (Goa Gajah) - An 11th century Buddhist meditations cave with a statue of Ganesh in the interior and other elaborate carvings.
Gunung Kawi - A candi complex dating from the 11th century, in which the candis have been carved directly out of the rock. The surrounding area is very picturesque. Not as dramatic as the other nearby candis and caves are Garba Cave and Candi Krobokan, two 12th century monuments, worth visiting if just to get off the beaten track.
Mas Village - A village renowned for producing Bali's sacred masks.
Pejeng - Home to the temple of Penataran Sasih or Temple of the Moon. It contains the famous bronze Moon Drum, said to be over 2000 years old. It is the largest, single cast, bronze drum in the world. Good examples of 13th and 14th century stone carvings can be found at the nearby Pusering Jagat and Kebo Edan temples.
Sukawati - A market town selling all of Bali's souvenirs in one location. It is also a market for the local Balinese looking to buy ceremonial articles.
Tegallalang - Shops abound on either side of the road. Slightly north rice terraces abound and, at nearby Petulu, see white Herons return to nest as the sun goes down.
Tirta Empul - Since the 10th century Tirta Empul has been one of Bali's holiest places. Balinese come to bathe in the ancient pools as the waters are said to have curative powers.
Ubud - Now the cultural and artistic centre of Bali and a blossoming tourist destination. Bali's four art museums namely, ARMA, Neka, Puri Lukisan and Rudana are all located here. The surrounding hamlets are all worth visiting. Ubud has many traditional dance and music performances and a number of workshops and courses are available. Accommodation ranging from five star luxury boutique hotels right through to guesthouses abound.
Yeh Pulu - Close to the Elephant Cave are some 14th century bathing pools with interesting carvings.
Map of Bangli City

Capital - Bangli
Highest Peak - Mt. Abang - 2'152m.
Location: Central - Eastern Bali
Land Area: 520'81 sq. km.
No. Of Districts - 4 ( Bangli, Kintamani, Susut, Tembuku)
Important Phone numbers:
Direct Enquiries - 0366-91108
Bangli Tourist Office - Tlp: 0366 - 91537
(Address - Jl. Sriwijaya #23)
As Lake Batur located in the Bangli Regency, was a major source of irrigation water for south & east Bali, the regency was greatly fought over by neighboring rulers. Bangli became the capital of this Balinese kingdom in the year Balinese Icaka year of 1204.
Bangli Town - Located in the southern part of the regency, on the foothills of the Batur volcanic range -: The ancient Kehen Temple (Pura Kehen) in Bangli, is famous for having been built under an enormous Banyan tree*.. The walls are inlayed with pieces of chipped porcelain and the upper sanctuary has 11 tapering merus (resting places of the gods). There is a small museum (Saison Buddha Bangle) nearby. Every 3 years the Kehen temple celebrates a unique festival, in which offerings tower high in the courtyard and ritual Baris Warrior Dances are performed utilizing different weapons. The nearby Sasana Art Centre also organizes the occasional art & dance performance. The view beyond the town of Bangli, from Demulih Hill (Bukit), offers and astounding view. (* These trees -fiches benjeminica or religiosa-, visible all over Bali, can grow with or without aerial roots. They are of special significance to the Balinese who believe that they are the dwelling place of spirits. They are usually sashed around the trunk, with a chequered black & white cloth, and are the recipients of many daily offerings.)
Bamboo Forest nr. Kubu : Located 5kms. From Bangli; many different types of bamboo, such as Petung and Bambu Talang grow in this forest, the sound of the wind blowing through the bamboo is quite unique.
Dusun Kuning Waterfall - 6 kms. South of Bangli; near to Dusun Kuning village is a 25 m. high waterfall that flows into the Melangit River to the south. The cool and shady clove-tree forest that surrounds these falls is home to hordes of monkeys.
Mount Batur -1'750m. Last active 1926. The Batur complex has been described as one of the largest and finest calderas in the world, (caldera being a volcano with a lake in the centre of the crater). Lake Batur, is a major source of irrigation water for both south & east Bali. On the western shore is Toyah Bungkah; surrounded by a stark volcanic landscape is an ideal spot for fishing and swimming. A hot spring, with supposed curative powers, is worth a visit. Terunyan village - Located on Northeast shore of Lake Batur, and only accessible by a 30 minute boat trip, departing from Kedisan village, located on the southern side of the lake. (The name of this village is derived from the words Taru & Menyan - the smell of the fragrant tree of incense growing in this village). One of Bali's most famous sites, this village's immaculately kept houses, streets and grass verges are reminiscent of what Bali might have looked like in days gone by. This Bali Aga village does not perform the ngaben, or usual cremation ceremony, that Bali is famous for, but uniquely preserves it's deceased by leaving the bodies, (although covered in shrouds, the face is left uncovered) under the fragrant & magical, incense tree. This method of "embalming" is called Mepasah. Trunyan's temple is the Pancering Jagat Temple (or navel of the world temple) and houses a 4 meter high statue known as Arca da Tonta. The Barong Brutuk dance is staged here on the full moon of (Purnama) Sasih Kapat. Masked dancers whip bystanders & spectators in this totally unique land fertility dance.
Penglipuran Village - A traditional, picturesque Balinese village, with a population of 750. The Penglipuran Heroes Monument was built here in commemoration of Cpt. Anak Agung Gde Mudita and his troops.
Pengotan Village - A traditional pre Majapahit village with different traits and customs than other villages in Bali. Many unique dances are staged at Pura Penataran during temple festivals. The Papah "war', various Baris dances and even the manner in which they bury their deceased is completely different to that other Balinese villages.
Penulisan - Picturesque village with panoramic views. Nearby in the village of Tegeh Koripan, a temple with a long flight of stairs is often shrouded in mist giving it a magical appearance.
Pura Dalem Balingkang - Pinggan Village (located in the northern part of Lake Batur) originally built as a palace, this unique temple has a delightful mix of Balinese and Chinese influences. Picturesque mountain scenery.
Puncak Penulisan Temple - This temple located on Penulisan hill, the dividing line between north and south Bali, consists of 5 different temple complexes situated on various terraces. Stone statues in the fifth complex are believed to be from the megalithic era.
Pura Ulun Danu Batur - 990m above sea level - in Kalanganyar, Batur Village, Kintamani District. These surviving shrines of this temple were relocated to its present location after a devastating eruption in 1917.An anniversary ceremony (Ngusaba Ke Dasa) is held each year. This temple houses an impressive Gong Gede (large gong) which is used to accompany the sacred Baris & Rejang dances which usually take place around the third week of March.
Taman Bali Raja - A large water garden temple built by King Sang Anom. Ponds and water features with a vast array of tropical flora surround this temple.
Bangli's Arts & Crafts
Article Village
- Palm Leaf Handicrafts - Cempaga, Tanggahan, Peken, Susut, Kayubihi, Undisan, Throughout Bangli
- Gold & Silver
- Bamboo Handicrafts
- Wood Carving(Furniture & temple)
Map of Denpasar City

Capita l: Denpasar
Population: Over 300'000
Location: Central & South Bali
Important Phone numbers:
Direct Enquiries - (0361) 108
Badung Tourist Office - Jl. Bakungsari #1, Kuta. Telp: 62-361-756176
Villages, sites & temples of Badung Regency are: Denpasar - capital of regency; Nusa Dua, Tanjung Benoa (tanjung - peninsula), Uluwatu, Jimbaran, Kuta, Legian, Seminyak, Petitenget Temple, Canggu, Kapal, Mengwi, Taman Ayun Temple, Bukit Sari Temple, Sangeh monkey forest.
Denpasar: Bali's capital.
Sites and places of interest in Denpasar:
Museum of Bali - Puputan Sq. Denpasar's only museum was built in 1932. This ethnographical museum (ethnography being the study of a particular society and culture) contains many prehistoric and historic instruments and textiles.
Pura Jagatnatha - One of Bali's most visited temples, located next to the museum, Puputan Sq. and near the Four faced Statue in central Denpasar. This temple is especially worth visiting for the Saraswati, Galungan and Kuningan ceremonies.
Art Centre Werdhi Budaya - Puputan Sq, Bali's centre for dance and art. This art complex has a large amphitheatre that stages many of Bali's traditional dances. It is the centre of activity throughout the Bali Art's Festival held every year, mid June - mid July.
Indonesia Art Institute - Bali's dance, music and art institute. The STSI amphitheatre stages monthly full moon dance performances.
Badung/Kumbasari Market - Recently renovated market that provides for al the locals needs. Beautifully arranged fruit, flowers for offerings, herbs, spices and all kinds of local handicrafts stretch out into two main buildings over the Denpasar River. Jl. Sulawesi is the neighboring street that provides a myriad of fabrics and textiles.
Kreneng Market - The second largest traditional market in Denpasar. It is renowned for its night stalls selling many varieties of Balinese food and drink.
Bird Market - Located on Jl. Veteran, this market sells an assortment of beautiful birds and other animals including the unique Kintamani dog. Please remember it is illegal to keep certain birds and animals in captivity!
Puputan Badung Square - The city's central park. A statue commemorates a heroic moment in the battle of 1906. It is the location for many of Bali's pageants and processions. Nyepi and the opening ceremony of The Bali Arts Festival is held around this square. One of Bali's oldest temples Puri Jaganatha and the Museum of Bali are on one side of this square.
Catur Muka Statue (Four faced statue) - Standing in the centre of Denpasar, to one side of the Puputan Square, is a large granite, statue depicting Brahma as the almighty Creator of the world, nature and all it's inhabitants.
Puri Satria, Pemecutan Jero Kuta & Puri Kesiman - These palaces have seen better days but all are a good example of traditional Balinese architecture.
Other interesting locations within the Badung Regency are:
Uluwatu Temple - perched on a high cliff on the Southwest tip of Bali, Uluwatu Temple is one of Bali's older places of worship. Built around the 11th century, by Hindu high priest Empu Kuturan; it is inhabited by a group of sacred monkeys who guard the temple. This is one of Bali's best sunset spots.
Beaches on Bukit - southern peninsula; Uluwatu, Gerger, Goa Suluban, Padang Padang, Nyang Nyang, Bingin, Dreamland, Nusa Dua, Jimbaran, Kedonganan. Many of the above beaches are famous surfing spots, some are difficult to access and the waves are generally for the intermediate to advanced surfer. Beware of corals and strong currents.
Nusa Dua - A major tourist resort on the southern most peninsula of the island. Set on about 450 hectares, this well groomed tourist enclave boasts 3.5 kilometers of white sand beaches, a number of five star hotels and one of the world's best golf courses, Bali Golf & Country Club - recently voted to be amongst the best 5 courses in the world. Convention halls, amphitheatres, shopping centers & immaculate landscaping make Nusa Dua an ideal place to stay if you wish to get away from it all.
Tanjung Benoa - Benoa Peninsula - bordering Nusa Dua to the north this peninsula offers travelers fine hotels, water sports and similar environs as Nusa Dua.
Jimbaran - On the west coast of the Bukit Peninsula, near the airport, is Jimbaran Bay. It is home to some of Bali's top hotels, Four Seasons Resort, Ritz Carlton and Bali Intercontinental Resort. Guests can sail swim and even go fishing in the bay. Jimbaran village has long been one of Bali's traditional fishing villages and the traditional fish market offers delicious seafood right on the beach.
Tuban - The area, just slightly north of the airport, known as Tuban, has long enticed tourists to her reasonably priced hotels, well-groomed beaches and organized nightlife. The Waterbom Park & Spa, go-karts and hotel sports facilities fulfill daytime pleasures; large shopping centers with many restaurants, local, international and fast food outlets stay open well into the night. Tuban is also well known for the horse drawn carts that can be seen taking visitors around the area.
Kuta - World famous for sand, surf and shopping, this area is jam-packed with activity 24 hours a day! Kuta is a major hustling & bustling resort town, with hundreds of hotels, bars, restaurants and shops. Here, small guesthouses and large hotels jostle for positioning along the beachfront. Beach sellers endlessly offer their wares to the sun-worshipper; sarongs, jeweler, shells, massages and manicures; even bows and arrows.Proclaim an interest in purchasing something and these beach marketers will crowd round the unsuspecting tourist until a sale is struck. This is part of the fun of Bali. Nightlife is a major happening in Kuta with a number of surf bars, cafes and restaurants offering videos, cheap drinks and even cheaper food.The more upmarket restaurants are ensconced in Kuta's small narrow (gangs) alleyways. The internationally famous Poppies and a string of other hidden garden paradi offer the weary tourist a welcome respite from the haggling streets. Cold beers, exotic cocktails, delicious food all, at a fraction of the European price. If action is what is wanted then Kuta is the place to be!
Seminyak - Heading north along the main street of Kuta (Legian St) is Seminyak, the slightly more up market area of Kuta, housing the quaint local hangouts of some of the foreign Bali residents. Italian, Indian, Greek, French and many more are just a sample of not only the food on offer but also of the cosmopolitanism that Seminyak has become.
Fashion boutiques, interior designers, candle makers, painters and many more are the chosen careers of these eclectic nomads. The most famous landmarks here are Teras, Pantarei, Ryoshi, all restaurants that usually start buzzing at about 10pm. ; Café Luna, Café del Mar, the A-Bar & Liquid are the human watering holes all located on Jl. Dhyana Pura that really come alive after midnight.
Double Six (66) the only beach night-club in the area stays open until 6.00 am.
Kapal : This roadside town produces a large part of Bali's ceramics, statues and temple accessories. The Sadat Temple in the town centre has interesting wall carvings.
Mengwi & Pura Taman Ayun - Originally built in the 17th century, this royal family garden temple was extensively renovated in the early 1900's. Surrounded by a moat and lotus lake, the temple's inner courtyard has an impressive number of Merus - tiered shrines built for the Bali's ancestors and heroes.
Bukit Sari Monkey Forest & Pura Bukit Sari - near the village of Sangeh, just north of Mengwi. A troupe of monkeys guard the impressive 17th century temple, which is set in the heart of a nutmeg forest. Beware of the monkeys as they have a reputation for being swift of hand and light of foot! Hold onto your cameras and bags tightly, it is best if you don't wear jewellery.