Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Opening of ART, SHIT, PARASITE by Made Budhiana at Bentara Budaya Bali

Entitas Nurani #2

Monday, December 19, 2011

ART, SHIT, PARASITE by Made Budhiana at Bentara Budaya Bali

ART, SHIT, PARASITE by Made Budhiana at Bentara Budaya Bali
Selasa, 20 Desember 2011
Pukul 18.30

Click image for the larger size of the invitation

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


3rd December - Tumpek Landep
This day is devoted to the Agama Hindu God "Sanghyang Pasupati" when blessing ceremonies are conducted over heirlooms, sacred weapons and all instruments and tools made of metal (even cars & motorbikes), to bestow good energy for both day to day functioning as well as believed magical powers. This ceremony is held throughout Bali, especially at smiths, garages and works shops.

10th December 3pm – Teddy Bear Tea with Santa at Padi Restaurant
Each child will receive High Tea served in a customized set of tea-cups, an AYANA Resort & Spa teddy bear and cookies, and paint their own hand-made Jenggala Ceramics Christmas ornament. There will also be Christmas story telling. Rp110,000++/child including access to the children's pool and waterslides; Rp150,000++/adult.

10th December – Full Moon - Purnama Sasih Kenam
The full moon (which has particular importance to the Balinese Hindus) falls on this day and ceremonies are held throughout the Hindu temples all across Bali. The Balinese that adhere to the Hindu Dharma religion will take offerings of food, fruit and flowers to the temple to be blesses by the priest. It is the essence of theses offerings that will be enjoyed by the deities. The Balinese themselves are then blessed by performing various rituals using holy water, incense smoke, petals and rice grains.

18th December 9-11am – Breakfast with Santa
Indulge in a festive buffet with the classic favorites and live cooking stations. Children will be invited to take part in Christmas cookie decoration and pool games.
Rp100,000++/child including access to the children's pool and waterslides; Rp200,000++/adult.

24th December – Dark Moon - Tilem Sasih Kanem
The Balinese adhering to the Hindu Dharma religion will celebrate 'Tilem' in temple ceremonies, which are mostly held in every major temple and family shrines around the island of Bali. On this day Hindus make offerings to the Gods, placed on the ground at the entrance of each housing compound. The aim is to beg God's grace; so that one's dark thoughts are illuminated by Him.

24th December – Christmas Eve
This is a fun night to be had, either intimately over a family Christmas dinner at many of the hotels, restaurants, resorts and private villas all ready to serve up traditional turkey or a Balinese 'bebek' (duck). Or kick your heels up with your friends for a wild night of dancing and parties at all the bars and clubs along the southern coast. Bali is a wonderful choice to welcome in Christmas in the tropics.

25th December – Christmas Day
This is a national holiday and is celebrated across the island in all hotels, restaurants, bars and clubs with special festivities programs. All banks and government offices will be closed.

26th December – Boxing Day
This traditional day after Christmas is spent relaxing and being with family and friends with good food. Many establishments around the island will also be offering Boxing Day specials.

31st December – New Years Eve
This is a huge night on Bali, with crowds gathering in the popular spots, especially in Kuta along the beach, so please keep some traffic delays in mind. It is probably best to catch a cab. Everyone everywhere will be waiting for the midnight countdown into 2012, so wherever you choose to celebrate, it will be for sure, a night to remember. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012.


BOSHE Special Events, December 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Moment Tak Terlupakan - Lomba Foto

Lomba Foto “Moment Tak Terlupakan” Sanur Village Festival 2011 Yayasan Pembangunan Sanur (YPS) kembali menyelenggarakan Sanur Village Festival (SVF). Event ini adalah sebuah kegiatan yang diadakan setiap tahun, dengan tujuan memberikan kesempatan bagi komunitas masyarakat untuk menampilkan berbagai momen terbaik merek...a. Pada tahun 2011 ini, SVF secara resmi akan dilaksanakan tanggal 18-22 November 2011 di pantai Matahari Terbit, Sanur.

Acara ini akan dikolaborasi dengan penyelenggaraan Pekan Flori Flora Nasional (PF2N) 2011. Berbagai macam kegiatan akan diselenggarakan selama 5 hari dari pagi hingga menjelang tengah malam. Seperti olah raga, hiburan, musik, kegiatan nelayan dan parade budaya hingga berbagai eksebisi kuliner.

Pada penyelenggaraan tahun ini juga ditambah event oleh PF2N berupa kegiatan pertanian, panen tanaman hortikultural, lomba gebogan, seminar dan lain sebagainya. Moment tersebut tak akan terlupakan, karena sudah dirancang dengan matang dan telah menjadi pengalaman penyelenggaraan ke enam hingga tahun ini. Karena itu SVF yang juga biasa disebut SanFest—kini dipusatkan pada area 9 hektar di Pantai Matahari Terbit, Sanur—kembali menyelenggarakan lomba foto, untuk memberi media ekspresi pada para fotografer mendapatkan pengalaman “outdoor photography” secara terukur.

Persyaratan Lomba Foto
1. Tema “Moment Tak Terlupakan” Sanur Village Festival 2011”
2. Lomba terbuka untuk penggemar fotografi, baik itu warga negara Indonesia atau warga negara asing.
3. Foto yang diperlombakan adalah foto-foto yang diambil dalam penyelenggaraan Sanur Village Festival 2011, baik di pantai Matahari Terbit, pantai di Hotel Bali Beach, Lapangan Golf Hotel Bali Beach, sepanjang jalan menuju venue saat parade dan kegiatan yang mengusung nama Sanur Village Festival.
4. Foto yang diperlombakan adalah foto-foto yang diambil dalam penyelenggaraan Pekan Flori Flora Nasional (PF2N), baik di pantai Matahari Terbit, maupun dimana pun, yang masih terkait dengan kegiatan resmi PF2N.
5. Foto yang dikirimkan tidak boleh mengandung unsur SARA, sadisme dan pornografi / nude.
6. Peserta tidak dipungut biaya.
7. Keikutsertaan peserta ditandai dengan “Like” di
8. Peserta wajib mengupload paling sedikit 5 foto terkait moment pada SVF maupun PF2N.
9. Foto yang diupload tidak harus foto yang akan diikutkan dalam lomba.
10. Pada penyerahan foto, musti dicantumkan dalam selembar kertas, nama peserta yang digunakan di facebook, dan link yang bisa menunjukan bahwa sudah ada foto yang terupload di .
11. Foto yang dilombakan adalah berwarna dengan kamera analog maupun digital.
12. Foto karya sendiri. Peserta dapat mengirim paling banyak 10 (sepuluh) karya foto.
13. Ukuran foto 10R atau 10RW disertai dengan copy original file format.JPG dalam kemasan CD dengan format nama file: Nama peserta_judul.jpg Pada keping CD juga diisi nama peserta dan nomor Hp.
14. Foto tidak dibingkai, dan atau tidak ditempel pada media apapun.
15. Data diri peserta ditulis pada selembar kertas yang ditempelkan pada bagian belakang foto dengan memuat informasi (wajib): a. Nama fotografer b. Nama di facebook c. Alamat lengkap d. Telepon/ Hp e. Judul foto
16. Jangan menulis info apapun di permukaan image foto.
17. Pastikan semua yang ditempel di belakang foto tidak menimbulkan goresan dan atau merusak foto.
18. Peserta diijinkan melakukan pengolahan digital sebatas pada penyuntingan (saturation & cropping), bukan penggabungan lebih dari satu file foto.
19. Karya foto dan CD foto yang akan diikutsertakan. Pada amplop ditulisi nama pengirim, alamat dan no telepon yang bisa dihubungi.
20. Semua foto dikirim ke panitia Sanur Village Festival: Jl. Danau Buyan III /2 Sanur (Perempatan McDonald Sanur, ke arah Barat menuju Denpasar) 80228. Telp : 0361-286987 (Kantor Yayasan Pembangunan Sanur). Batas akhir penerimaan foto hari Senin, tanggal 28 November 2011.
21. Pengumuman pemenang tanggal 30 November 2011 lewat jejaring sosial facebook dan twitter @sanurfestival. Pemenang akan dihubungi lewat telepon oleh pihak panitia SVF untuk pengambilan hadiah.
22. Para pemenang akan mendapat hadiah total Rp 11.000.000,- terbagi sebagai berikut: a. Juara 1 Rp 3.000.000,- + Piala + Piagam b. Juara 2 Rp 2.000.000,- + Piala + Piagam c. Juara 3 Rp 1.000.000,- + Piala + Piagam d. Juara harapan ada 10, @: Rp 500.000,- + Piagam
23. Panitia berhak sepenuhnya melakukan publikasi atas foto peserta hanya untuk kepentingan publikasi Sanur Village Festival tanpa perlu meminta ijin terlebih dahulu. Panitia akan menghubungi pemilik foto bila ada pihak ketiga yang ingin menggunakan foto tersebut untuk tujuan komersil, kesepakatan akan transaksi ada pada pemilik hak cipta foto bersangkutan.
24. Peserta yang sudah mengirimkan foto dianggap menyetujui semua persyaratan dalam lomba foto ini.
25. Keputusan Dewan Juri mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu-gugat. Salam 17 November 2011 Ketua Panitia Lomba Foto Sanur Village Festival 2011 I Made Iwan Darmawan

FantastiQue Art Exhibition

BOSHE Special Events

Sunday, October 30, 2011


6th November – HARI RAYA IDUL ADHA
This is a national public holiday; therefore banks and government buildings will be closed, as may be some commerce, which celebrates the Islam Holiday meaning the 'Greater Eid'. Eid is also about spending time with family and friends, sacrifice, and thanksgiving for being able to afford food and housing. Each family will sacrifice an animal, such as a sheep, goat, or cow, by slaughter. The meat will then be divided into three equal parts to be distributed to others. The family eats one third, another third is given to other relatives, friends or neighbours, and the other third is given to the poor as a gift.

15th – 20th November – 5th BALINALE BALI FILM FESTIVAL
To coincide with the 18th annual ASEAN SUMMIT and expand on its efforts to garner a larger viewing audience, BALINALE 2011 will be held 15 - 20 November (changed date). Thank you for your support and please stay tuned for announcements on film selections and festival activities by logging on at

19th November – HARI SARASWATI
This day is devoted to God's Manifestation as Dewi Saraswati, the beautiful Goddess of Knowledge, Art and Literature. She rules the intellectual and creative realm, and is the patron goddess of libraries and schools. Balinese Hindus believe that knowledge is an essential medium to achieve the goal of life as a human being, and so honour her. She is also celebrated because she succeeded in taming the wandering and lustful mind of her consort, Brahma, who was preoccupied with the goddess of material existence, Shatarupa. On this day no one is allowed to read or write, and offerings are made to the lontar (palm-leaf manuscripts), books, and shrines.

The National Festival of Flowers and Plants is a regular major horticultural exhibition event held in rotation between important cities across Indonesia, being held on Bali this year at Pantai Matahari Terbit in Sanur. This year it will be merged with the Denpasar Horticulture Festival as well as the 6th Sanur Village Festival. The Denpasar Horticulture Festival promotes the city as a tourism destination by exposing unique and quality products, as well as arts. The Sanur Village Festival is an annual arts, culinary, and cultural fiesta, which has been held since 2006. For further information about the activities of National Flora Week 2011 and the Sanur Village Festival please visit: and

The name literally means 'iron fence', on which day ceremonies and prayers are held for strong mental and spiritual defense in welcoming the Galungan holiday. It is always held three days after Hari Raya Saraswati to empower the learning and wisdom bestowed. Bali will be very colourful and people will be coming to and from the temples for most of the day so please refrain from honking on the roads.

27th November – TAHUN BARU 1433 HIJRIYAH
Today marks the first month of the Islamic New Year and calendar, also known as 1 Muharram 1433. It is celebrated in Indonesia as a national holiday therefore all banks, government offices and some commerce will be closed.

This annual event will start at 6.30 am and mark Hard Rock Hotel's 11th consecutive 5 km charity run. The registration counter is open daily from 11 am – 6 pm in front of the giant surf board. The fee is Rp. 100,000 /person, including a t-shirt and refreshment. This year's proceeds will be donated to the Smile Foundation through the Rotary Club. There are prizes in Male/Female and Family Categories. More on 0361 761 869 ext 8163/4.

Friday, October 14, 2011


CRAZY CUL BLUES adalah kolaborasi kreatif antara chef Ketut Go gonk (Culinary) yang akan mendemontrasikan pusaka kuliner Bali dengan respons musik BLUES Putu Indrawan dan kawan-kawan. Jenis masakan yang pengolahannya akan didemonstrasikan adalah Gecok Nyawan dan Lempet Nyawan!

Saksikan keindahannya
Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011 Pk.19.00
di DOK - Warung Tresni Jl. Drupadi 54 Renon, Denpasar

Beyond Photography 2011

Pameran Seni Rupa "MEMBAJAK TRADISI" oleh I Wayan Wirawan

Kurator: I Wayan Seriyoga Parta

Diresmikan oleh: Warwick Purser

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011
Pukul 18.30 wita
Bentara Budaya Bali
Jl. Prof.IB. Mantra 88A (By-Pass)
Telp: 0361 294 029

ANZ Ubud Writers & Readers Festival Opening: Bringing the world to Indonesia, and Indonesia to the world

ANZ Ubud Writers & Readers Festival (UWRF) opens with a festive Gala Opening celebration in the Royal Palace, October 5 2011. The event was officially opened by Sapta Nirwandar Director General of Marketing for the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

In the four days ahead, ANZ UWRF will present an array of over 100 programs with 137 writers from 20 countries, including Indonesia. Acclaimed and emerging Indonesian writers will be sharing panels with international writers in various sessions that wraps around the Festival’s theme for the year: “Nandurin Karang Awak-Cultivate The Land Within”

“We integrate speakers from very diverse backgrounds in our programs. It’s a rare chance for people to see these writers sharing their thoughts and ideas in the same panel.” Says Festival Founding Director Janet DeNeefe.

In the Festival Press Conference, ANZ Vice President Director Ajay Mathur, stated that ANZ is honored to be part of UWRF, “UWRF does not only bring the world to Indonesia, but also brings Indonesia to the world,” says Ajay. UWRF was on the brink of cancellation when the main sponsor from last year pulled out at the last minute. ANZ offered their support just eight weeks before the announced opening date and saved the Festival

Meanwhile, Sapta Nirwandar stated that the government fully supports the Festival. “UWRF brings visitors to Indonesia. It also gives visitors a broad knowledge of Indonesia’s literary culture,” he says. “Ubud is the perfect place for this event. I believe many writers will find Ubud very inspiring. I also hope that after the Festival, the writers and participants will stay to explore Bali and other places in Indonesia.”

Andre Hirata, writer of popular tetralogy Laskar Pelangi said that UWRF has a gleaming reputation among writers and literarty lovers whom he meets in other international Festivals he’s attended. “In UWRF, I don’t only present my work to people. I also get a chance to grow as an author, and learn from other writers,” says Hirata.

Literary is not all you will find in the Festival’s menu. UWRF offers a wide range of music, art and cultural programs. But the cherry of the event is its Children & Youth Program which offers 24 free programs for kids and teens. With ExxonMobil’s support, 15 students from underpriviledged schools in East Java hasve arrived in Bali to enjoy these programs.

The post festival outreach program will take writers on tour to various cities in Indonesia. “This is one part of the Festival that not a lot of people are aware of,” says Janet. “It is one of our effort to spread the seed of inspiration beyond Bali and to other parts of Indonesia”

From Ubud Bali, we welcome you to the Festival and hope you have a very inspiring experience at ANZ Ubud Writers & Readers Festival 2011


Tukang Foto Keliling (TFK) “Sederhana tapi Berwawasan”

Beruntung sekali, kali ini saya mendapat kesempatan untuk mengenal dan bergabung dengan keluarga besar Tukang Foto Keliling. Tidak hanya itu, saya juga berkesempatan untuk berbincang-bincang dengan Komandan Tukang Foto Keliling : ,“Nyoman Sujana”, yang akrab disapa “bli Man”,

Menurut penuturan Nyoman Sujana ; “Tukang Foto Keliling adalah komunitas terbuka bagi penyuka seni Fotografi, .TFK bukan hanya sekedar group hoby foto,TFK sudah seperti keluarga.Di keluarga TFK,sharing tentang foto benar-benar terbuka. Tidak ada sesuatu yang dirahasiakan, baik itu tehnik pengambilan foto, sampai cara pengeditan foto.”

Komunitas Fotografi yang tergolong unik ini bermarkas di Pulau Dewata Bali, TFK belum ada basecamp khusus,. Untuk sementara, kantor Nyoman Sujana yang terletak di “Baliwis spa-Nusa Dua” dijadikan sebagai tempat berkumpulnya para anggota TFK.

TFK terbentuk sekitar 7 bulan yang lalu. Berawal dari pertemuan7 orang dengan hoby yang sama, diantaranya : Nyoman Sujana,Yande Zetia,Dewa Enggung Susila,Dayu,Wayan Benny Saputra,Gede Sumanjaya,dan Merta Yasa,, .Dari pertemuan tersebut,Yande Zetia mengusulkan untuk membentuk komunitas fotografi yang bisa dijadikan wadah bagi penyuka seni fotografi,sekaligus sebagai sarana untuk belajar bersama,berbagi ilmu dan menambah wawasan dalam bidang fotografi. Akhirnya mereka sepakat untuk membentuk komunitas fotografi dengan nama “Tukang Foto Keliling (TFK)”.

Disepakatinya nama “Tukang Foto Keliling” sebagai nama komunitas, karena nama tersebut dirasa lebih sederhana, tidak mau egois menamakan diri Fotografi. Nyoman Sujana juga menambahkan ,”sebagian besar keluarga TFK adalah fotografer-fotografer pemula dengan keterbatasan alat. Hampir semua keluarga TFK menggunakan kamera dan lensa yang sederhana, namun keluarga TFK selalu berusaha untuk memberikan hasil yang terbaik, tidak kalah dengan yang menggunakan kamera mahal.”

Tidak hanya memotret model, TFK juga memotret kebudayaan , landscape,even-even,dll. Untuk saat ini, TFK memang lebih sering memotret dengan konsep model dan hunting lokasi.,. Model disini juga sudah menjadi bagian dari keluarga TFK, tidak ada istilah bayar-membayar untuk model. TFK juga sebagai wadah untuk proses belajar. Baik model ataupun fotografer bisa belajar untuk menambah wawasan dan konsep dalam foto. Tidak hanya sekedar memotret dan dipotret tanpa hasil yang tidak bermanfaat.

Sebagai orang yang dipercaya untuk menjadi komandan TFK, Nyoman Sujana berharap, ;untuk kedepannya TFK bisa terus menjadi wadah berbaginya ide dan pengalaman seputar fotografi yang bisa membuat keluarga besar TFK menjadi semakin maju,selalu berkarya dan berusaha mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik tanpa melanggar norma.

Sampai saat ini,Tukang Foto Keliling beranggotakan lebih dari 130 orang. Bagi yang ingin bergabung dengan keluarga TFK ,bisa join di ….

Good Luck TFK!! Salam jepret-jepret :D

Friday, October 7, 2011


Venue : pulau penyu TANJUNG BENOA nusa dua badung
Waktu : Minggu, Tanggal 9 Oktober 2011, jam 10 pagi on time
Konsep : balinise beauty n glamour ( plus bikini sesion )
Model : 6 model
1. nora candra filips
2. adeline damm
3. pradnya naraswari
4. gek dewi ntr
5. diah agustini
6. dhie gresia
Meeting Point : Hardys nusadua

Participation Fee @Rp. 25.000,-
- snack n drink ( 100 Fotografer pertama )
- Name Tag
- MUA Fee
- Wardobe
- Location Fee

Jumlah Peserta Maksimal 150 Peserta
- 1:15 Peserta

untuk pembayarannya on the spot, sekalian pembagian Name tag,
Ini akan di liput untuk pemecahan REKOR MURI hunting bersama di 33 Propensi dan 4 negara ASIA termasuk Indonesia

Koordinator umum :
1. Putra Sedana ( 085792666686 )

2. Putu Hartawan ( 08123856060 )

link acara :

Kordinator lapangan :
1. MAN SUJANA ( Badung ) 081805384512

2. KOKO EDY TAMPAKSIRING ( luar daerah ) 081805584884

3. YANDE ZETIA ( Gianyar ) 081999178423

4. DEWA ENGGUNG SUSILA ( Tabanan ) 081933020996

Sunday, October 2, 2011

From Byron Bay to Bali, Jeni wears many hats


JENI Caffin arrived in Bali three weeks ago wearing a “hat” labeled media co-ordinator for the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival. That hat is still in place, but there are now so many tiaras and head-dresses teetering on top that Jeni says she’s barely recognisable.

Now the festival’s creative producer as well, Jeni laughs when she says: “I am water – wherever there is a gap, I flow into it.” Former director of the Byron Bay Writers Festival from 2007 to 2010, Jeni is now lending her expertise and knowledge to the 8th Ubud Writers and Readers Festival to be held from October 5 to 9.

Her participation in Ubud is being sponsored by the Byron Bay Writers Festival committee. Part of Jeni’s mission is to build a bridge so that Indonesian writers can play a part in the Byron Bay festival, and Australian writers, particularly those in the Northern Rivers, can take the stage in Ubud.

Speaking from Ubud recently, Jeni said this was a cause dear to her heart. “I believe it is essential to share contemporary Asia/Pacific writers with our audiences and also for Indonesian readers and writers to discover what is being said and thought in our part of the world,” she

Ex-Melbournian and long-time Ubud resident Janet de Neefe is the founding director of the Ubud festival. Jeni describes her as a “phenomenon”. “I’m used to having 27 ideas before breakfast; Janet has them before her eyes even open at dawn and I have the SMSs to prove it,” she said. “I’m privileged to be her sounding board and tuning fork for festival-related matters and, my goodness, she’s feeding me well, too. “I shall probably leave Ubud in November the size of and shape of a small keg – hurrah for sarongs!”

Describing the list of more than 100 invited writers to this year’s festival as “sumptuous”, Jeni
said the theme of “Cultivate The Land Within” was perfect for Bali. Some of the esteemed guests include Tariq Ali, Anita Heiss, DBC Pierre, Alex Miller, Junot Diaz, Brenda Walker, Alexander McCall Smith, Marieke Hardy and Salena Godden.

“Ubud somehow provides the most tolerant and open space for stories to unfold, set against a
backdrop of staggering, beautiful venues, both natural and hand-built,” Jeni said. “I have had the joy of tearing about with Janet visiting some of the venues new to the festival. “Yesterday one of those, Betel Nut, took my breath away, and that ain’t easy. “It’s a different way of working here, a different way of being. Vive la difference.”

The festival program and information, including buying tickets and travel packages, can be found at

STOP PRESS: Just weeks before the opening of the 2011 Ubud Writers and Readers Festival, ANZ (through its Indonesian subsidiary PT ANZ Panin Bank), has stepped in to offer the festival sponsorship which will see the event renamed as the ANZ Ubud and Writers Festival.

“This is a happy, happy day for us,” festival director Janet de Neefe said.
“When our 2012 naming sponsor defaulted at the 11th hour, we were devastated, but determined that Indonesia’s premier literary event would go ahead untarnished and proud.

“On the eve of launching what we believe is our most enthralling and inspirational program ever, we take great heart from knowing that ANZ shares our aim to make a positive difference in people’s lives.”

News of a fabulous partnership between ANZ and the Festival

Just eight weeks before the gala opening of the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival 2011, ANZ, (through its subsidiary PT ANZ Panin Bank), a leading international bank in Indonesia, has stepped in to offer the Festival sponsorship that will see the event named as the ANZ Ubud Writers & Readers Festival 2011.

The Australian and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ Group) is renowned for supporting cultural, community and sporting events such as the Archibald Prize, Royal Flying Doctors and the Australian Open.

Said Festival Director and Founder Janet de Neefe “This is a happy happy day for this, our eighth Festival. When our 2010 naming rights sponsor defaulted at almost the eleventh hour, we were devastated, but determined that Indonesia’s premier literary event would go ahead untarnished and proud. On the eve of launching what we believe is our most enthralling and inspirational program ever, we take great heart from knowing that ANZ, our newest and most generous sponsor, shares our aim to make a positive difference in people’s lives.”

"We are pleased to support the ANZ Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, rated as one of the world’s top six literary festivals. The Festival also enables us to show our support for Bali and the development of Indonesian literature and culture. It is also a great proposition for our customers, especially our retail customers and credit card holders," stated Joseph Abraham, ANZ CEO Indonesia.

We invite you all you to come to the ANZ Ubud Writers & Readers Festival 2011 to celebrate the diversity of thought and breadth of vision represented by one hundred writers across all genres, across the globe, in recognition of our theme, cultivate the land within. Festival dates are 6 – 9 October. For more info

Bali beckons 'literary tourists' Ubud Writers & Readers Festival offers culture in a paradise

Ubud, an enchanting town in tropical Bali's undulating hills, has arrived with panache on the global literary scene.Judging from this year's splendid 2010 Writers & Readers Festival, it would be worth blocking out Oct. 5-9, 2011 for some top-class literary tourism. The 2011 theme is "Nanduring karang awak": Cultivate the land within" — a line from an old Balinese poem. Attendees will be encouraged to explore the great global commons of mind and heart in just the spot to do so with stunning views of Mount Agung. In the wake of the Bali terrorist bombings in 2002, which left locals scarred and tourists scared, Janet de Neefe, a long-term Ubudian, decided to try to transform a disaster into an opportunity. Mix a bit of paradise and lavish creature comforts, add a dash of cultural magic, stir with persistence and presto . . . Ubud has become one of the top literary festivals in the world.

Now in the top six of such festivals, according to Harper's Bazaar, Ubud attracts an impressive array of writers from around the globe and draws devoted pilgrims in ever-greater numbers. For writers, the call to duty in idyllic Ubud is almost as hard to resist as it is for the growing audiences of readers. Booker Prize-winner Ann Enright ("The Gathering"; 2007) admitted it was hard to tear herself away from her home in cold and rainy Dublin, but she was rewarded with rapt audiences eager to imbibe her thoughts about her books, writing and the human condition. Among the others who joined her in Ubud this year was self-styled
"faction" writer Tash Aw, the Malaysian author of "Harmony Silk Factory" (2006) and "Map of the Invisible World" (2010); as well as Christos Tsiolkas, the controversial Greek-Australian author of "The Slap" (2009), who defended his use of vulgarity, arguing that critics are guilty of class bias and that he doesn't just write for the privileged.

But writers beware, this is no laid-back lotus-eating holiday, as the organizers have them — young or old, famous or not yet so — performing yeoman's work on panels and in individual sessions. Despite the demanding schedule, by all accounts it's an energizing experience as there is so much interaction between writers and with readers in a variety of settings. Perhaps the most enjoyable is over dinners and drinks at places ranging from Ubud's swankiest venues to some of its legendary watering holes such as Naughty Nurni's, as famous for its dry Martinis as its succulent ribs.
And what a feast it was this year, with 135 writers from 27 countries spread out over 183 panels and workshops with 37 special events organized around the theme of "Bhinneka Tunggai Ika: Harmony in Diversity." One of the highlights was the increased attendance of Indonesians and the chance for readers to discover the work of many Indonesian writers.

Readers have an opportunity to meet their favorite writers and discover new favorites in an intimate setting that maximizes interaction and closes the chasm that often separates artists from their audiences. The venues are cozy, often bursting, but relaxed and friendly, creating a wonderful festival vibe where interaction and exchanges flow easily and informally.

Having endured the rigors, backstabbing and networking of academic conferences, it was uplifting for this correspondent to discover that large gatherings of intellectually curious people can be so exhilarating and exuberant. Instead of moody prima donnas, noses to the heavens, minds in the clouds, the literary stars come across as down-to-earth people who muck in with undisguised joy. Maybe it's something about being in Bali, where everyone can leave all their
metaphorical baggage behind and rediscover something precious as they unwind and reorient.

It is 25 years since my first visit to Ubud, and today there are only a few traces of what was then a simple, unhurried, tranquil artists' village of unpaved roads lurking under vast canopies of greenery and spartan accommodations nestled in terraced rice fields.

Yet the transformed Ubud remains enchanting, and weary visitors can now enjoy far more pampering and tastier grazing options. But old Ubud hands can't stay away from the roast suckling pig served at Ibu Oka's in the center of town, across from the palace. Same great food, same low prices, but now this overgrown shack has added real tables and chairs on its crowded terrace — a comfortable upgrade that detracts nothing from the scruffy ambiance.

The new Ubud boasts a slew of five-star hotels, including the plush Aman and Four Seasons that help support the festival and offer special packages. For those with tighter budgets, there is a range of options from pensions to excellent hotels at reasonable rates, many of which can be found on the festival website. Organizers have transformed this festival from its original shoestring operation to one that boasts significant corporate sponsorship, perhaps most abundantly evident in the ubiquitous Citibank hospitality vans and banners fluttering all over town. Seldom does corporate social responsibility look so commendable as it does at the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival.

Janet de Neefe, the Australian-born founder of the festival, married a Balinese and raised a family in Ubud while opening two restaurants and a cooking school. It is amazing that she has enough energy and enthusiasm to organize this festival and also answer questions from the press.

What were your goals when you established the festival, and to
what extent have you achieved them?
From the start, our aim was for the festival to be a bonus to the
people Bali, both economically and educationally, and also to
encourage understanding through literature and cross-cultural
exchange. As well, we wanted to promote an awareness of
Indonesian literature to our international audience and create
opportunities for local writers while providing ongoing inspiration to
the youth of Indonesia.
I believe we have achieved most of these goals but it's a work in
My focus now is to start translating Indonesian literature to reach a
wider audience, and I am already speaking to local publishers.

What are the benefits for Bali and Ubud?
Clearly there are economic benefits. Ubud is a much busier place
during the festival, and everyone can see that. The festival has also
placed Ubud on the global literary circuit, and it is now a name
associated with the literary arts. Bali is no longer only known for its
Kuta beaches and beer, but for Ubud, culture and books.

How has the festival evolved, and what do you think needs to
The festival has grown rapidly. I think the sheer location of Ubud
and the hospitality of the local community is a part of that success. I
would still like to see Indonesians more integrated in the program,
between the writers and readers. It's really a confidence issue and we
are trying to bridge that gap. I would also like to see more events in
Denpasar (Bali) and other parts of Indonesia. Next year I am hoping
to start an Emerging Writers Festival in Denpasar purely for

How do you select writers?
We use our theme to guide us and I focused on that more closely
than ever this year. For Indonesians, we have an Indonesian
curatorial team who read and select work. This year we had more
submissions than ever.

How have you been so successful in lining up so many sponsors?
I guess we are irresistible! Just joking! As you can imagine, I am
truly passionate about this event and spend a lot of time meeting
corporate sponsors who eventually heed my pleas! Seven years
down the track, the support of sponsors is a testimony to our
professionalism and integrity. We are here to stay and they know it.
Citibank, for example, sees our worth as global cultural players and
we are happy to be associated with them. Our generous local
sponsors support us because my husband, Ketut, is from Ubud and
we both have a solid reputation in the community, something you
can't buy! We have owned businesses here for more than 20 years
and employ many of the local sponsors' children. We are one big

There were no Japanese writers or readers at the festival. Is it
hard to identify and attract Japanese authors? Do you do
anything to promote the festival in Japan?
I have often tried to secure Japanese writers, but to no avail. We
nearly had one a few years ago, but she pulled out at the last minute.
I just don't seem to get anywhere and even the publishers can't seem
to help me. I wrote to a Japanese publisher last week so fingers
crossed, but I wonder if language is the issue. I will keep trying
because we have a large Japanese expatriate community here. Sadly
I don't have any media links in Japan.
Since this interview, the promising young Japanese author Mariko
Nagai, author of "Georgic Stories" (2010), has accepted an
invitation and will attend the 2011 festival.
Jeff Kingston is Director of Asian Studies, Temple University Japan.

The Japan Times: Sunday, Nov. 14, 2010
(C) All rights reserved


The 2011 Ubud Writers & Readers Festival theme is Nandurin Karang Awak-Cultivate the Land Within, is our 2011 theme and is taken from the epic poem Gaguritan Salampah Laku by Ida Pedanda Made Sideman. Ida Pedanda Made Sidemen is considered one of Bali’s greatest Kawi-Wiku, Poet-Priests, and throughout his lifetime penned several important literary works. Besides composing poems and officiating religious rituals, he was also a respected authority on traditional architecture. He passed away on September 10, 1984, at the age of 126. From October 5 - 9, the brightest global writers will come together to debate the issues that divide and unite us, in a celebration of stories and voices. More than eighty established and emerging authors will convene on Ubud, in a celebration of literature, commencing with a tribute to Ida Pedanda Made Sideman. Readings, panels, workshops, literary lunches, debates and performances will enliven the landscape of this picturesque town. The Ubud Writers & Readers Festival is the major project of the not-for-profit foundation, the Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati. It was first conceived of by Janet De Neefe, co-founder of the Foundation, as a healing project in response to the first Bali bombing, with the first event held in 2004. The Ubud Writers & Readers Festival mission is to create a world class literary event that brings together diverse Indonesian and international voices for dialogue and exchange in order to: share stories, ideas and their craft in the spirit of cross-cultural understanding; foster greater international awareness and understanding of Indonesian literary cultures; create opportunities for Indonesian writers to present their work to a global audience; and to expose Indonesian audiences to the work of international writers. More info on

Bali’s 9th annual international event - Kuta Karnival has attracted thousands of people to the sands of Kuta, winning hands down an Award for The Best Community Event on Bali! Have fun with the series of events including; an Opening Ceremony with Turtle Release and Paddle for Peace, Kite Festival, Mepantigan Balinese Martial Art, Bali Hotels Association’s Bartender Competition, Graffiti Cartoon Expose, T-Shirt Cartoon Competition, Sunset Dances, Mini Cartoon Exhibition, Youth Race, Movie Screenings, Barong Reptile Show, Street Art & Sand Sculpture Competition, Kuta Young Architects, Youth Info Centre, Environment Day, Cardinal Music Awards, Bali Food Festival and Street Parade. All info on

BIWA - Bali International Women’s Association - together with Bali’s Hotel Marketing & Public Relations Associations (HHPB) are delighted to present the 3rd Bali Pink Ribbon Walk for Breast Cancer Awareness in Bali. The 5 kilometer walk will start and finish at Nusa Peninsula Island at the Nusa Dua Bali Tourism Development Corporation Complex and will be participated by almost 1,000 participants from Bali, Jakarta and other cities in Indonesia as well as overseas. The event will be held on: Saturday, 22nd October 2011. Registration opens at 2pm. The walk starts at 4pm. Rp. 250,000 per adult, Rp. 100,000 per child (6-12 years), under 6 free. All proceeds go to breast cancer awareness on Bali. PH: 0361 286564


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Lomba Foto Bali Auto Modification Contest 2011

Lomba terdiri dari 1 kategori yaitu Kategori "Bali Auto Modification Contest 2011"

I. Dewan juri :

1. Dewandra Djelantik (Photografer Profesional )

2. Panitia / Sponsor

3. Sinar Photo

II. Hadiah :

Juara I : Uang tunai sebesar Rp. 750.000,- + plakat + Voucher cetak 20R + piagam
Juara II : Uang tunai sebesar Rp. 500.000,- + plakat + Voucher cetak 20R + piagam
Juara III : Uang tunai sebesar Rp. 250.000,- + plakat + Voucher cetak 20R + piagam

III. Syarat dan ketentuan :

  1. Peserta lomba adalah umum dan terbatas untuk 100 orang peserta.
  2. Pendaftaran/peserta Rp 20.000,- ( termasuk free pass selama acara BAMC ).
  3. Kategori lomba adalah katagori modification contest
  4. Foto berlokasi di acara BAMC di GOR Ngurah Rai Denpasar.
  5. Foto hasil karya sendiri dan belum pernah dipublikasikan atau belum pernah menang dalam lomba sejenis.
  6. Setiap peserta maksimal mengumpulkan 3 foto digital dengan format JPEG (min. 300 dpi hi-res + quality max dan sisi terpanjang 3000 pixels). Foto dikumpulkan dalam bentuk file foto.
  7. Tata cara pengumpulan foto dalam bentuk file : Untuk pengumpulan dalam bentuk file, peserta harus mencantumkan nama file dengan format JUDUL FOTO_NAMA LENGKAP (contoh : Setetes Penuh Arti_Joko Prayono). Batas pengumpulan karya lomba adalah tanggal 9 Oktober 2011 pkl. 13.30 wita
  8. Periode lomba dari 7 Oktober sampai 9 OKTOBER 2011.
  9. Foto merupakan hasil karya selama 7 – 9 Oktober 2011 .
  10. Foto harus sesuai dengan norma-norma masyarakat dan tidak boleh mengandung unsur SARA, Pornografi, sadisme, dan sarkasme.
  11. Seluruh foto merupakan tanggung jawab dari fotografer. Panitia lomba foto BAMC bebas dari tuntutan model dan/atau pemilik properti yang disertakan dalam lomba foto BAMC.
  12. Editing diperkenankan hanya sebatas warna, kontras, dodging, burning, dan cropping.
  13. Foto yang diikutsertakan tidak dikembalikan. Panitia BAMC berhak menggunakan foto baik pemenang lomba maupun bukan pemenang untuk kepentingan promosi dan publikasi dari pihak Panitia BAMC dengan tetap mencantumkan nama fotografer (Credit Title) dengan pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.
  14. Peserta hanya berhak atas 1 (satu) pemenang pada setiap kategori. Keputusan dewan juri bersifat mutlak, sah, dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
  15. Pengumuman pemenang : 9 Oktober 2011 di acara Penutupan BAMC di GOR Ngurah Rai Denpasar
  16. Panitia BAMC dan keluarga dari Panitia BAMC tidak diperbolehkan mengikuti perlombaan ini.
  17. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Sdr. Samuel 0818 05328022 atau email ke This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

IV Pendaftaran :

Jl. Letda Made Putra pertokoan Udayana kav 7A
Phn 0361-254322

Photo Hunting to Lombok Island

PHOTO HUNTING in Lombok Island 12th October With BOUNTY CRUISES. Registrations start today!! Don't miss out!

Beach Bikini Models
Human Interest

Rp 350.000,- / person

All participants receive a voucher for FREE 3 hours studio rental including lighting!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Trans Sarbagita Bus, One Solution for Congestion Problem in Bali

Bali now has a congestion problem which is really complicated. Congestion happens everywhere, especially around the Denpasar Ciy and Badung as the tourism center. The development of transportation infrastructure to keep pace with the growth of private vehicles in Bali meet the various constraints such as limited land, lack of funds, and resistance from several parties to ease the traffic congestion in Bali (the construction of underpasses and toll roads). Bali Provincial Government had to act quickly to solve this congestion problem. One solution is to prepare the mass transportation that cheap and convenient. This transportation model was named Trans Sarbagita (Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar, Tabanan). It is hoped the presence of Trans Sarbagita Bus become one of the long-term solutions for the congestion problem in Bali, pending the construction of underpasses and toll roads, which until now unclear when it will be implemented.

Trans Sarbagita is a model of mass transportation that serving the routes of four districts and city of Bali, Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar and Tabanan. Trans Sarbagita Bus itself has been introduced by the Bali Governor, Made Mangku Pastika on August 17, 2011. The bus routes from Trans Sarbagita covers 17 major routes and 36 branches/twigs routes as an integrated public transport services.

For the initial stage of the Trans Sarbagita plan with 18 buses from the central government assistance will serve three routes. The first route ie from the middle of the city of Denpasar (Puputan Badung Field) to the By Pass Ngurah Rai, Nusa Dua, GWK, and ends on the campus of Udayana University. The second route includes Batubulan, Sanur, Simpang Benoa, Dewa Ruci, Kuta Central Parking, Dewa Ruci, Jimbaran, Nusa Dua. While the third route will serve the route from the terminal of Batubulan, Sunset Road, Simpang Dewa Ruci to Nusa Dua. That three routes will be evaluated before the opening of other new routes.

The operational time of the Trans Sarbagita Bus is every day from 5:00 WITA until 21:00 WITA. Buses will depart every 15 minutes, so regardless of the number of passengers the bus is guaranteed to depart. On average the bus will stop at the bus stop for 1 minute. For general passenger charged IDR 3,500, whereas for students charged IDR 2,500 for the each way. For the location of bus stops, most are placed in locations that are near the crowd. So even though the parking area around the bus stops is not available, you can park your vehicle in the crowded places nearby. Here is a list of the bus stop locations of Trans Sarbagita Bus that have been built, Batubulan - Nusa Dua Route (Batubulan, Tohpati, Prof. IB Mantra, Padanggalak, Matahari Terbit, Sindhu, Danau Poso Poso, Serangan, Pesanggaran, Pedungan, Dewa Ruci 2, Kuta Central Parking, Sunset Road East Kuta, Dewa Ruci 1, East Kuta, Jimbaran, Taman Griya, Bualu, Nusa Dua 1, BTDC), and Nusa Dua – Batubulan Route (BTDC 1, BTDC 2, Nusa Dua 2, Bualu, Taman Griya , Jimbaran, East Kuta, Dewa Ruci 2, Kuta Central Parking, Sunset Road East Kuta, Pedungan, Pesanggaran, Danau Poso, Sindhu, Matahari Terbit, Padanggalak, Prof. IB Mantra, Tohpati, Batubulan).

Over the next five years the other route will be developed throughout Sarbagita, here are some lists of Trans Sarbagita Bus routes plan Denpsar - Batubulan, Batubulan - Nusa Dua Via Kuta Central Parking, Sanur - Petitenget Via Civic Center, Sanur - Ubud PP Via Kedewatan, Gianyar - Pesiapan Via Mengwi, Sanur - Nusa Dua Via Ngurah Rai Airport, Mengwi - Ngurah Rai Via Kerobokan, Mengwi - Benoa Harbour Via Denpasar, Mengwi - Batubulan Via Darmasaba, Sanur - Canggu Via Denpasar, Tegal - Mambal, Kuta Central Parking - Tanah Lot, Sanur - Lebih Via Safari Park, Batubulan - Ngurah Rai Via Gatsu, Ubung - Kuta Central Parking Via Mahendradata, Mengwi – Batubulan Via Dalung, and Batubulan - KutaCentral Parking Via Kuta. The entire routes will be supported by 11 branches and 25 twigs routes.

In the midst of the various reactions that emerged in the community for several weeks after the operation of the Trans Sarbagita Bus, it is proper we give appreciation to the government which has attempt to solve the congestion problem in Bali that increasingly complicated. The community must participate succeed the government efforts to solve the congestion problem, the way is to start utilizing public transportation modes in a variety of activities and the community should also be aware that the accretion of transportation infrastructure is no longer able to compensate for the increase of private vehicles. Come on Krama Bali, do not just remain silent, start to use this mass transportation.

Sources: Bali Post, VIVAnews,,

Monday, September 26, 2011

Santhi Lian Jagaditha (Pameran Seni Patung)

Event: 17 September - 17 October 2011
Place: Jl By Pass Ngurah Rai 88X
Kesiman, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Tel +62 361 461727

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hunting Photography "Fantasy"

Let's Hunting photo!!!

ayo have fun lagi...
gabung bersama kami..
menambah portfolio...pertemanan...dan berbagi ilmu fotografi bersama rekan2 fotografer lainnya..


dengan western model..wardrobe yg artistic..
serta lokasi yg indah akan menambah ke "SERU"an hunting kali ini..

PENDAFTARAN hanya sampai 20 SEPT'11
dan peserta sangat di batasi...

acara :
2 okt'11
jam 2 siang
di SECTOR Lounge & GOLF Course
jl. Hangtuah 28 - Sanur BALI
(masuk melalui Bali beach Hotel)

hanya Rp. 200.000/person
get DISC 10% for GROUP (min 5 person/group)
free coffebreak

Pembayaran via transfer BCA
a/n. SISKA
(yg akan di sms ke masing2 peserta)

WESTERN & Local Models

info :
081999977549 (SMS Hotline)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Local Knowledge - An Art Exhibition

Sabtu, 24 September 2011
Pukul 18.30 wita
Bentara Budaya Bali
Jl. Prof.IB. Mantra 88A (By-Pass)
Ketewel, Gianyar, Bali
Telp: 0361 294 029

Kurator: I Wayan Seriyoga Parta
Perupa: Ketut Muja, Ida Bagus Alit, Made Sukanta Wahyu, I Made Sama, I Nyoman Mandra, Ida Bagus Putu Gede Sutama, Dewa Putu Kantor, I Wayan Sadha, I Ketut Santosa, Dewa Ngurah

Pameran untuk Umum: 25 September - 4 Oktober 2011
Pukul 10.00 - 18.00
10am - 18pm

Enigma of Peace - A Photography Exhibition by Bundhowi

Minggu, 11 September 2011
Pukul 18.30 wita
Bentara Budaya Bali
Jl. Prof.IB. Mantra 88A (By-Pass)
Telp: 0361 294 029

Bundhowi's Website

Saturday, September 17, 2011


To mark the historic Puputan Badung (mass Balinese ritualistic fight until the death against the Dutch authorities) of 1906 a Lomba Gerak Jalan or Street Marching Competition will be held on Tuesday, September 6. Marching units comprised of male and female groups of marchers drawn from the Armed Forces, youth organizations, university students, civil defense units, public servants, private sector employees, and high school students are welcome to form marching teams to compete. A total of Rp. 375 million in prizes will be awarded together with ceremonial sword trophies (“Keris Puputan”) to the best male and female marching units. The march will start on September 6th at 9 am Candi Margarana in Tabanan and finishes at the Lapangan Badung in Denpaar, although the actual anniversary is the 20th September.

The full moon (which has particular importance to the Balinese Hindus) falls on this day and ceremonies are held throughout the Hindu temples all across Bali. The Balinese that adhere to the Hindu Dharma religion will take offerings of food, fruit and flowers to the temple to be blesses by the priest. It is the essence of theses offerings that will be enjoyed by the deities. The Balinese themselves are then blessed by performing various rituals using holy water, incense smoke, petals and rice grains.

24th – Balinese Blessing Ceremony - Hari Tumpek Kandang
Tumpek Kandang Day is dedicated to animals. This Balinese Hindu ceremony is held every 210 days to honour and bless livestock and domesticated animals. The name Tumpek Kandang is derived from two words, ‘Tumpek’, which means Saturday and ‘Kandang’ being the Balinese word for cage. This special day honours nature and in particular cows will be washed in the rivers and adorned, pigs will have their bellies washed & wrapped in cloth, as well as being given specially chosen food. The Balinese believe this will bring their livestock and themselves more prosperity. Prayers will be held at the temples across the island.

27th – Dark Moon - Tilem Sasih Karo
The Balinese adhering to the Hindu Dharma religion will celebrate ‘Tilem’ in temple ceremonies, which are mostly held in every major temple and family shrines around the island of Bali. On this day Hindus make offerings to the Gods, placed on the ground at the entrance of each housing compound. The aim is to beg God’s grace; so that one’s dark thoughts will be illuminated by Him.

6th, 13th, 20th, 27th - Documentary Movie Nights Each Tuesday
From 9pm every Tuesday at Word of Mouth in Kunti Arcade, Jalan Kunti in Seminyak. Please call ahead to get all info on 743 2565 or

source: Baliplus

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


13th August - Full Moon - Purnama Sasih Karo
The full moon falls on this dayand ceremonies are held throughout the Hindu temples all across Bali. The Balinese that adhere to the Hindu Dharma religion will take offerings of food, fruit and flowers to the temple to be blesses by the priest.

17th August - Independence Day
This is a national public holiday; therefore banks and government buildings will be closed, as will be a large amount of commerce. After the flag hoisting at the National Palace, and a display of marching from military to children to adult; neighborhoods prepare for fun and games for the kids.

20th August - Hari Tumpek Krulut
Tumpek Krulut Day is dedicated to all musical instruments, masks and other instruments used in art performances and the numerous religious ceremonies in Bali.

28th August - Dark Moon - Tilem Sasih Karo
The Balinese adhering to the Hindu Dharma religion will celebrate 'Tilem' in temple ceremonies, which are mostly held in every major temple and family shrines around the island of Bali. On this day Hindus make offerings to the Gods, placed on the ground at the entrance of each housing compound. The aim is to beg God's grace; so that one's dark thoughts will be illuminated by Him.

30-31th August - Hari Raya Idul Fitri
Ramadhan or fasting month is a very special month to Moslems throughout the world. During the month all Moslems will try to be holy (body&soul) by avoiding wrongdoing to God or to others. Most will spend their leisure time by reading the Al-Qur'an, praying and doing charity work. Fasting starts before sunrise at about 5am and finishes at sunset at about 7pm.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Monday, July 25, 2011

Limkokwing Bali - The Foundation in Design

The Foundation in Design is a one-year programme, which provides the essential preparation for entry into our Degree programmes in Art, Design and Multimedia. The programme emphasizes in building your creative thinking, research and drawing skills. You will learn how to visualise ideas using different media, whether it is drawing, photography or 3D products. You will develop practical skills in two and three dimensions, exploring issues of space, structure, surface, texture, and colour. Progressively you will experience and experiment across all areas of art and design and later concentrate on your chosen field.

This programme is aimed at instilling in you:

  • The elements and principles of design
  • The skills and techniques of drawing
  • The creative thinking and problem solving techniques
  • The ability to carry out primary and secondary research
  • The ability to communicate ideas visually and orally

This programme emphasizes the various skills, techniques and learning so that you will benefit in being a globally aware, mature and forward thinking creative individual.

The Limkokwing Foundation programme is specifically designed for students to enter University immediately after high school. Equivalent to an STPM/ Yr12/‘A’ Levels qualification, students will access Limkokwing’s wide range of undergraduate Bachelor’s Degree programmes upon successful completion of the Foundation year.

However, it is compulsory for students enrolling into a design or multimedia related programme to undertake the Foundation programme unless they have a portfolio for assessment of prior learning, demonstrating their grasp of basic skills.

Every student of the Foundation programme will enter a stream related to their studies as they proceed to their degree programme. They won’t have to study subjects not related to their planned career line. Key focus for all Foundation programmes is on developing skills in ICT and creative skills.

Students in foundation are not expose to this level of learning but the fundamental (basic) level such as design studies for graphic design and they learn basic computer graphic covering illustrator and photoshop, not website or multimedia.

The Foundation programme relies on intensive English training that is applied through communication modules of the programme. Native English speakers can spend more time on professional writing, reporting, creative writing, etc.

Students who have completed a recognized STPM/ Yr12 /A’ Levels or equivalent higher certificate or diploma programme with the required subjects and credits may be exempted from the Foundation programme upon review of their past results or portfolio (where applicable).

Entry requirement

  • Pass SPM/O Levels with 5 credits including English language and Arts; Or
  • Any other equivalent qualifications recognized by the Malaysian Government

International Students

For non-Malaysian citizens, please refer to the Malaysian Qualification Agency’s (MQA) List of Overseas Qualifications & its equivalency with Malaysian Education System (PDF) to see if you qualify for this course.

Limkokwing University

